Apologies and a Shocking Surprise

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Rosi quietly knocks on the door to the workshop. It had been a week since he had spoken to his Dad, because he was working on the things in his head, trying to get things sorted. His Dad answered the door, surprise on his face at seeing his son. Rosi swallowed thickly. He opened his mouth, but words wouldn't come. Rosi closed his mouth and dived into Kid, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry Dad."

Kid eyes soften as he hugged his boy back. "No, I am the one who should be sorry. You have every right to be mad at me and I deserve it." He then grins.

"Nice punch by the way." Rosi laughs with a sniffle.

"Thanks. Makoto told me he's been working in the shop with you. What made you let him in after all that?" Kid smirks.

"The kid is very talented with his hands. I can see why you like him." He jokes before gesturing to his boots. "He made these for me. They are well crafted and I wanted to see what else he could do." He pats Rosi on the back. "I now approve of Makoto being with you. He's a good kid."

Rosi beams at his Dad. "Thanks Dad. Makoto is just...special in more ways than you know. He is so amazing and I am so happy he chose me."

Kid grins. "I'm glad you found someone who can handle your bratty nature." He jokes.

Rosi grins at his dad. "Oh he handles my bratty nature alright. He's a really good Dom." Rosi laughs at his Dad's expression.

"No, I don't want to think of my son getting railed." Kid huffed as he shooed Rosi away. "Now go pester your mother." He said with a grin. While Rosi was gone, Kid went over to the Legacy and started upgrading the med bay with the projects Makoto helped him on. It wasn't much but it was his way of apologize for being an idiot.


Meanwhile Lami emptied the contents of her stomach yet again. She groans, wondering what was wrong with her. It couldn't be food poisoning because Elijah was too careful. Jiro knocks on the door and peaks his head in. "Lami? Tu vas bien (are you doing well?)"

She looked over at him. "Oh I'm doing fantastic." She sarcastically groaned out as she throws up again. Jiro walks over kneeling down behind her as he holds her hair back for her. "I don't get sick." She grumbled. She hated this. Her throat hurt from throwing up so much.

"We should go see your brothers. If you don't get sick usually then it might be something bad." Jiro says, face full of concern for her.

Lami shook her head. "I don't want to. I'll be fine eventually." She stubbornly says. She didn't like being in the med bay. She loved her brothers, but she knew they will make a big deal over nothing.

"Mon Amour, s'il te plaît (My love, please). At least let me go get one of them to check on you?" Jiro kissed her forehead. "I don't like you being sick."

"Fine, but I'm not going to be happy about it." She slowly stood up, slightly wobbly. "Let's go see my brothers." She grumbled. He gently guided Lami to the med bay where they were surprised to see Kid there tinkering with things. "Dad? What are you doing?" Lami asks as Jiro sits her down on a cot. Ed walks into the med bay then, coming from his connected room.

Kid grins as he finished up what he was doing. "Upgrading the med bay on this ship. I just finished."

Ed looks over at Lami. "What brings you in here Lami?" Noticing she looked paler than normal.

She crossed her arms. "I'm fine, but Princess wanted me to get checked out anyways." She grumbled not happy about being in there.

Jiro rolls his eyes. "She was throwing her guts up." Ed nods and starts gathering some things.

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