Bonding (part 2)

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(Misuse of the med bay)

Rosinante had to much on his mind, so much so that he yet again ran into a very firm chest "who put a wall here" Rosinante jokes as he falls flat on his butt.

Looking up, only to see the very person that has been on his mind.
Makoto growls after freezing for a split second.  "Still can't watch where you're going?" Makoto meant to say that as a joke, but it came out as a growl.

Rosinante grins "so we meat again meathead" jokes as he stands up brushing himself off like nothing happened. "If you stopped being a brick wall then maybe I'll see you"

Makoto glared. "Maybe you and your family should leave me the hell alone." He clenched his fists. He mostly meant Rosinante's family. He didn't want Rosinante to actually leave him alone.
Rosinante narrowed his eyes at the man. What he said hurt, but he pushed that down. "I suggest you watch your tongue. My sister was nice enough to allow you to stay"

Makoto got close to Rosinante, towering over him. "If you weren't so damn distracting I wouldn't feel this way." He stands to his full height.
Rosinante looked shocked before arching a brow 'how was he the distraction?' The blonde thought to himself before He rolls his eyes "I believe you are referring to your self on that one" he crossed his arms not at all affected by Makoto's height.

"I don't need distractions. I have things I need to focus on." He starts to walk around him.
Rosinante rolls his eyes "yeah says the big walking distraction." He tossed back. He started walking back in the direction he was originally going, grumbling about big meathead idiots.
In a mocking deep voice "I don't need distractions"
That man frustrates him. What was his problem?

Their next encounter was when Makoto was steering the ship so he couldn't walk away this time.
Rosinante was work on one of the task Rouge asked him to do and Makoto gruffly told him the way to do it. He was really trying to be helpful, but it sounded condescending.

Rosinante got huffy at that making Makoto scoffs. "Was just trying to give you pointers, but if you just want to bitch...."
Rosinante glares "I grew up on a ship, I know exactly what I'm doing. So I don't need help from the peanut gallery." He stopped what he was doing to glare up at Makoto. "For someone who wants to be left alone you sure don't act like it" he snapped. "Stick to your task and let me do mine"

Makoto was right of course. Rosinante wasn't doing it correctly, but he refused to admit it.

Rosinante was very distracted by Makoto and that was why he couldn't get it right.

Makoto shrugs, "Okay. Don't come crying to me when it doesn't work."

Makoto goes back to steering the ship  & trying to not stare at the blonde doctor working near him.
Rosinante mocks "don't come crying to me" he huffs "like I would even want to" he mutters "go step on a lego"

Makoto hears this and flips him the bird without looking at him.
Rosinante sent two back at him "go fuck yourself" he turns and storms off.

Makoto was so getting tired of that blonde's mouth. He really needed a gag to shut him up.

Rosinante couldn't properly focus on any of his task because that giant was hell bent to make his life more complicated. He decided to stay the rest of his time in the med bay. Trying to be productive, but failing.

The siblings were well aware of the two fighting, but as long as they don't take it further then they will leave the two be. They knew the two will eventually work  their differences out.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop being attracted to that giant of a man.

Rosinante now tried to actively avoid Makoto.
Of course when he tried to avoid him, he kept running into him.

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