Chapter 1- Erebus

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As i entered my new school it felt awful being in a new environment, it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach.
Everyone stared and everyone whispered.
I was a glowy person, a dark glow all around my body. How could something black give off so much radiance and light?
I know everyone has a special ability or power.
I'm not sure yet.
16 years and i still can't figure it out.
As I walk to find the principals office, I think about how I've never known.. if i did know, what would it be? Would it be the power to kill things? A bad power or a good power? Would i have the ability of super strength? Would i have the ability to go invisible or fly or lift things with my mind? Would I-?
I'm here.
I walk inside and as soon as i do, the office woman looks at me up and down before questioning me and handing me a paper with my schedule and room numbers.
At the top of the paper was a picture of me.
A black headed boy with grey skin, glowing black eyes with long lashes, skinny and pale, not a smile in sight... The bright black glow around him.
I didn't realize i looked like that in photos.. A lifeless looking boy.
I felt lifeless sometimes.
All the time.

As i found my class i walk in and take a seat somewhere empty and i place my stuff down.
I was shaking.. the feeling in my stomach was sickening.. as empty butterflies stabbed at me.. as my body shook and my breath held without me realizing... I felt eyes on me.
Suddenly the late bell rang and the professor introduced herself.
She was a fine young woman with wide hips and a skinny waist, her hair was long and brunette, wavy at the ends. Her green eyes shone with kindness and happiness.
I envied her happiness.
Throughout the lesson i was bored b it i continued on with writing and reading every word she said.
The bell rings and I'm looking for my next class when i run into someone.
The touch burned.. badly..
It was a boy with white blonde hair, blueish white glowing eyes, skinny and pale-in a good way- and he had one of the brightest glows i ever had seen.

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