Chapter 15: Erebus

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Once i saw Alex in the parking lot getting out of his fancy little daddies money rich boy car, i went up to him.
"What's your fucking problem?" I asked coldly.
"With you? I don't even know you."
"With Apollo!" I said with my voice raised.
"He's my ex."
"That gives you no right to beat him up!"
"Yeah it does. I warned him that he was nothing without me and i was right. He can't even defend himself. He's a worthless little-"
I threw a punch on him, it sent him flying back onto the trunk of his car.
"You say another damn thing about him, i'll beat your ass until your balls are in your mouth."
He didn't answer, he was knocked out cold but he was breathing. I shoved him back in his car and started to walk away.
He should be glad i'm not harsh enough to throw him in the middle of the road and wait for someone to hit his lame ass.
"Erebus i saw that!!" Yelled Apollo.
"Womp womp. That's what he gets for beating you and talking shit to my face. He's a weak little baby. Passed out first hit."
"You still shouldn't do that!" his face was pure beauty, his eyes filled with concern and worry.
"Look, i'm sorry, i couldn't control myself."
"I forgive you but if you pull another stupid move like that, you'll get in trouble at some point!"
"Whatever. If he does anything else that stupid, his ass is the one who's in trouble." I said.
"Let's go, Erebus." he sighed and walked into the school with me.
I looked over and saw two people staring at us, just a glimpse, but as soon as they made eye contact they looked away.
I felt their eyes on me as i walked away. What is up with them?
I talked with Apollo until we had to go to our separate classes. I loved math but it was my most dreaded class, it meant i had to wait an hour and a half to see Apollo again.
Wait what is wrong with me? How come i count the minutes to see him? How come i dread the weekends because i don't want to look like a weirdo and come over to his house every weekend? How come i dread the rest of the day after i get to my house and he starts his way to his?
How come i feel this way about someone... This boy.. how come i feel this way about him?
How come i've never felt love in my life but i'm sure this is what love feels like?

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