The debate

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A few months had passed since I broke the news to everyone. No one ever gave me any trouble for it thankfully. Levi had gone about two more expeditions, but he always returned unharmed. I still hated it, but I knew what he was doing was right and my anxiety subsided with time. I was also put on maternity leave about two months ago after I was having trouble moving around Headquarters per Erwin's demand. I was now entering my eighth month and my growth never seemed to slow down. It wasn't an exaggeration to say I looked like a short girl who swallowed a boulder.

"It's going to be twins. I'm betting three days' worth of bread for it," The obnoxious one called out.

"No, she is just small! Her body couldn't handle two. I bet three days' worth of steamed potatoes," Petra argued back defiantly. 

"No, she's just too big!" He yelled back.

"Wath it. Don't forget you are calling my wife big. She is just small stature," Levi spoke coldly back. I laughed at the arguments everyone was always having. My large belly was a much-heated debate in this slow world now. It wasn't uncommon for my team to place bets now as I changed every day, yet they were always kind to me through it all. 

"Ah, fine Captain. But you know what today is," they pleaded. I looked at Levi curiously as he gave me a small reassuring smile. They ushered me towards the center of the main house dining room. I wasn't sure what they were planning, but I followed along anyway. Then, everyone left me alone suddenly, except Levi.

"What are they doing?" I asked Levi. He didn't respond. He had his arms crossed and gestured for me to close my eyes. I didn't understand but I followed anyway. After just a minute, everyone gathered back in but had me keep my eyes closed. I could hear them whispering about excitedly before exclaiming for me to open my eyes. 

When I opened my eyes everyone was excitedly holding small bundles of gifts for my new family. Levi was looking proudly at them as I fought back my tears. Every day my hormones and mood swings worsened, but I felt like I was hit by a flood of happiness. 

"Don't cry again please!" They exclaimed. I laughed through my now-flowing tears again. I hated my hormones being like this, but it was part of the process. Everyone laughed with me as they handed me one gift after another for the baby. They were small clothes and toys all made by my team to support Levi and I. When I opened the obnoxious's one gift, it was a pair of matching clothes. I smiled sweetly as Levi frowned his eyebrows.

"It's twins," he argued again. I laughed as the debate broke out again and Levi looked annoyed again. It was so special that I made sure to hug each and every person, grateful to have found such a loving family when I come from none. I could tell Levi was feeling the same way as he got their attention.

"You guys never shut up about my wife, but thank you, for caring," he smiled sweetly, causing everyone to cheer at his rare smile. I laughed with everyone else as we enjoyed another evening together. It was an amazing surprise and I was so grateful for the experience I didn't want it to end, but the night had to end soon as Levi helped me walk to our home. It definitely wasn't easy anymore despite being so close. I felt like I swallowed two watermelons sometimes.

When I finally got back, I sat in my new rocking chair from Erwin as a gift. I really loved it as I finished working on another outfit for the baby. I sewed together a cute soft yellow fabric into a sack and added it to my collection. Now, I had everything ready but still had time to get ready. According to the doctor, I should have about another month, but he told me there was a possibility of delivering early due to my size. He even double-checked when I conceived just to make sure it was right. It made me suspicious.

"Don't we have enough clothes?" Levi asked me, setting down all the gifts. He seemed just as happy from the day as me. 

"Can't have enough, they are messy. Also, what if it is two?" I asked him. He looked pale and mortified at the thought. He kept his posture still and upright with a serious expression on his face.

"Don't say that, don't I have enough children to handle over there?" He said sarcastically. It caused me to laugh as he let out a small laugh too and kissed my head. The laughing started to turn to pain in my stomach as I leaned over with a sudden sharp pain. Levi looked concerned but I just brushed it off as being tired from the long day. He helped me up the stairs so I could sleep for a while.

I laid down and couldn't sleep for a while, but I did finally end up falling asleep when Levi wrapped his arms around me. I stared out the window as the beautiful spring flowers were starting to bloom outside in the meadow.  I could only for an hour or two before waking up in more sharp pain. I tried to breathe through it but it didn't seem to calm. Levi was passed out by my side but I knew I needed him now. I shook him awake and he woke up quickly.

"What?" He asked me, yawning. I tried to breathe and calm down my now intense pain as he looked concerned at me. He seemed to understand as his eyes widened and he prepared our clothes for the trip to the hospital. He also grabbed my bag I prepared just in case, grateful for my readiness.

"Isn't it too early?" He asked me. I nodded at him, albeit annoyed because of the stupid question and the stupid pain.

"Does it look like it matters now?" I told him off annoyed. He just nodded as went outside in the middle of the night to get the horse ready for me. I dressed myself and went out with him, to ride off into the night for the last time as a couple with no children.

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