Leo Fitz

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"Hi Jemma, Fitz." I smiled, as I entered the lab.
"I have those-" Jemma started.
"_____, Coulson needs you." Skye said popping her head around the door.
"When I come back Jemma? I'm really sorry." I said, glancing between her and Fitz.
"Be careful. Your like a younger sister to us." She said engulfing me in a hug.
"Just because I'm smaller than you doesn't mean I cant beat you in a fight." I groaned.
"Your more than a little sister to me." I swear I heard Fitz whisper.
I kept my formalities with Fitz because I looked up to him. Not just as a role model but as something else.
"_____, you ready?" Phil asked.
"As I'll ever be." I smiled.
"Don't worry about Fitz, he'll be fine." Phil whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm not worried about him." I said looking up at him.
"Yeah, yeah they all say that. I am the boss, I do have a third eye around the place. And your formality with him but everyone else gives it away." He said.
"Its only because he's a role model to me. Nothing else." I said.
"I don't disagree with relationships in the team. As long as they don't go sour." He smiled.
I nodded.
"_____!" Someone shouted from behind me.
I turned to see Fitz.
"Hey Fitz what's wrong?" I asked.
"You left this in the lab. And its Leo." He said, handing me my knifes.
"What would I do without you?" I smiled, giving him a quick hug.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered before running off.
"What's going on between you two?" Grant asked.
"I don't know, he keeps saying stuff... What do you think?" I asked.
"Maybe he likes you." He said.
"What do you mean? He likes Jemma." I said.
"Then your blind. She likes Trip. He likes you." Grant said.
"Your insane he doesn't like me." I said sitting down.
- - - -
Grant wrapped his arm around my waist and I wrapped my arm around his neck as he helped me out.
"_____, how bad are you hurt?" Phil asked, as we passed him into the jet.
"Sir, is anyone injured?" Jemma asked, her voice coming through the ear piece.
"_____, its pretty bad."Phil said.
I groaned as I pulled on the seatbelt.
"How bad?" Fitz asked, worry filling his voice.
"I told you he liked you." Grant whispered after removing his ear piece.
I went to shrug my shoulders.
"Don't attempt anything or denial. Just rest." Skye whispered.
"How many of you are against me? Just because I'm small." I grumbled, resting my head against the head rest.
- - - -
As I stood, holding my ripped t-shirt up as she circled me and wrapped my wounds heavily in bandages.
"______!" Fitz cried bursting into the room.
"Hey Leo." I smiled.
"All done." Jemma smiled standing up.
"Could I... We have... Have a minute alone?" He asked Jemma.
"Yeah sure." She smiled, turning on her heel and leaving.
"_____, I-" He started.
"Grant told me." I interrupted.
"Told you what?" He asked, a little blush tinting his cheeks.
"That you erm..." I paused.
"That I like you..." He said, stepping closer.
"I like you too." I blushed.
"Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one." He sighed.
I smiled, standing on my tip toes to peck his cheek.
"I really like you." I said.
"I do to." He said, quickly pecking my lips before walking off.
I swear his face was flushed a dark red...

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