Grant Ward

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Ward's POV

I sat and watched over _____'s unconscious body.

Not knowing what to do.

Not knowing when back up would arrive.

Not knowing if she would survive...

- - Flashback - -

"Ward?" _____'s angelic voice came over the comms.

"______?! Where are you? We got separated. Are you alright? Are you hurt??" I panicked, I would do anything to protect _____.

I would die for her.

"I'm okay for now, do you know where you are? I think I'm in some kind of control room?" she said, her breathing laboured.

"What do you mean for now? Coulson? Skye? Do you have an eye on _____'s location?"

"It's just a scratch. I'll be fine." she reassured me.

"Take the first right and then the second left and right along the end of the corridor there should be a set of stairs. Take them up two flights and ______ is in the room second from the stairs exit." Skye announced.

"I can meet you half way? I have the intel downloading now onto Skye's memory stick." _____ bargained.

"No. Stay there. I need to know that you are safe. You need to stay where you are safe." I announced, quickening my stride to reach ______ faster.

There was a loud screech that resounded across the comms and I fought hard not to rip the earpiece out of my ear. I needed it in at all times in case something happened to-

"Ward?" _____'s whispered voice came across comms.

I didn't have time to form words as I listened to the commotion on ______'s side of comms.

"______?" I asked, just as the sound of a gun shot was heard not only through my ear piece but I could hear the ricochet of noise echo throughout the supposedly abandoned warehouse.

This noise caused me to break out into a fully formed sprint trying to reach _____'s location faster.

I was reciting Skye's directions in my head, praying with every last hope, every living fibre in my body that ______ would be okay... that we would get out of here with a few scratches and nothing majorly serious...

- - End of Flashback - -

"Ward? ______? Do you copy?" Coulson asked through comms.

"Agent ______... is down..." my voice came out barely a whisper as I began to find my senses.

I could smell the stench of fresh blood.

I could almost taste the copper of the blood on my tongue.

I could see the blood...

I could feel a pulse.

"Guys! I have a pulse! It's weak but I've got a pulse!" I announced, rejoice laced heavily in my tone as I hugged ______'s unconscious body closer to mine.

"Extraction is ready and waiting on the roof. Your just three flights down." Skye announced.

"I know it is the last thing on your mind right now... but Ward.... I need you to secure the intel." Coulson stated as I was about to pick _____ up and forget about the content of the mission.

I cursed under my breath as I ripped out the SHIELD memory stick out of the hard drive  before wrapping _____ securely in my arms as I made our exit towards the extraction.

"Medical support prepped and ready for agent _____ when you guys reach extraction." Agent 19 announced over comms.

I didn't have the audacity to reply.

The only thought running through my mind was _____'s wellbeing.

But she was always on my mind...

- - - -

"She really means the world to you doesn't she?" Skye asked as she leant against the wall across from me watching on as _____ underwent minor surgery to remove the bullet and patch up any and all wounds.

I, myself had refused medical attention from the medical team.

My wounds were mere scratches.

I wanted ______ to receive all the medical support she could access on our flight back to base before Simmons looked over her.

"It pains me to watch her like this. I would die for her. Happily. Without a single regret. I would jump in harms way for her." I sighed.

"She loves you." Skye smiled softly, comforting me.

"As I love her. Yet that is also my biggest fear..." I grumbled, kicking at the ground.

"What are you so afraid of?"

"I'm scared of hurting her in a way that will tear her apart. I'm scared that maybe one day... all my inner demons I've been protecting her from will rise again. I will become the man she grows to hate rather than love..."

"No matter your past. _____ loves you. She will see past all of that. She will help you. She will heal your wounds.... she loves you. She can help you grow with in SHIELD... just as you have helped her grow within SHIELD since she first came here." Skye said, squeezing my forearm gently before leaving to brief Coulson regarding the Hydra information recovered on the memory stick.

Yes, the loyalties that lay within SHIELD...


But, unfortunately...


Hail Hydra.




(I really hope you like it and it is roughly to how you may have imagined it.

I am so sorry for the long wait.


Phoebe xx)

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