Robbie Reyes

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I sighed as I stood the coin which rested upon the table onto its side before spinning it in a circle.

Without so much as even touching it.

Being Inhuman did have its perks.

Yet I had to keep it hidden.

I knew as soon as the man I love finds out about my powers he will leave me.

And his brother... I love him also. But he is afraid for his brother.

And will protect him no matter of the consequences.

"How are you doing that?" a familiar voice asked.

"Gabe!" I gasped in shock, slamming my hand down on the coin stopping it from moving.

"Your one aren't you? An Inhuman?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest, taking a defensive stance despite his wheelchair.

"Ga-" I started.

"No. Please don't." he interrupted.

"I would never hurt you. Neither you nor Robbie. I love you both." I started.

"I don't want Robbie to fall into any more danger." he said.

"Inhumans aren't dangerous." I countered.

I knew I should have listened to Daisy before she went rogue.

I knew I should have joined SHIELD.

Where I would be safe.

Trained as an agent.

Protected by those she now called her 'family'.

But how would I have met Robbie.

The rough, rugged, handsome, loving, caring Robbie.

The man I love.

"I know you mean us no harm. But what of those Watchdogs? I don't want Robbie to place himself into harms way to protect you. He loves you too much to not do any less than risk his life for you." Gabe countered.

"I-" I stopped, lost for words.

"I'll go." I sighed, standing from my seat in Robbie's kitchen.

"I'm sorry ______." Gabe said.

"I understand. I still love you like a brother. But promise me you will keep Robbie safe?" I asked, fighting the tears.

"I promise." he said, hugging me around the waist before I left through the back door.

- - - -

It wasn't until dark when Robbie came home. But when he did... I wish I had fought harder to stay. To convince Gabe.

There was shouting.


Broken hearted cries.

Before silence...

I could see through the highlighted shadows in the window as I watched from across the street that they were comforting each other.


Consoling in one another.

What shocked me most was when I turned to leave I was stopped when Robbie's familiar frame stepped out of the house and towards his infamous car.

But it wasn't that which shocked me... it was when his eyes flashed a dangerous fire-like orange... before his head twisted back...

He was the Ghost Rider...

I couldn't run fast enough as I escaped from the lies that he had hidden from me.

But hadn't I also lied about the most important part of myself as well?

 - - - -


- - -

It's been two painfully long months since I seen Robbie...

Now he stood directly in front of me on the Zephyr.

He looked at me, crossing his arms as he lent against his car.

"Robbie, I...." I paused, not knowing what to say.

"Gabe told me. Told me everything that led to your departure. A part of me was mad at him. A part of me was mad at you. A part of me was mad at the watchdogs for causing this fear. A part of me was mad at me." He sighed, scuffing his feet against the floor.

"So you know I am.... Inhuman...." I asked hesitantly.

"I know that you can control metal. My brother told me as much." he said.

I nodded.

"Do you..." he started.

"Yes. I know you are the Ghost Rider... I seen you transform the night I left... I waited for you to safely return home from work before I finally made my departure for good. But then..." I started.

There was a terrible long pause before he spoke.

"I understand if you no longer love me..." he sighed.

"You still love me? Despite my... abnormalities?" I asked, shocked.

"You are no more abnormal than any other human on this earth. The only abnormal part of you is the striking beauty you own. And how abnormal it was for you to pick me over everybody else you could have chosen." he said.

My heart fluttered, soaring for the first time since our time apart.

"I love you so much." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Even though I made a deal with the devil?" he mumbled against my neck as he held me tightly, as if he was scared to let me go.

"As long as you don't burn me... I love you no less than I did before I met you." I smiled.

"I love you too." he smiled, pressing his lips to my forehead in content.




(I'm so so sorry it took so long to fulfil your request but I really hope you like it.

Love Phoebe x)

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