Leo Fitz

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I was stood at the side of the training mat as I watched May and Skye training. Skye had recently received information from Raina that her father still lives. That he is a doctor, working on a cure. A cure built around pure evil... not a cure for medical purposes. A cure to change his DNA into a monster. He is following previous orders from his deceased wife, Skye's mother.

"_____?" May asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked, shifting awkwardly where I stood.

"Your up." she said.

I nodded as Skye helped tie on my gloves before I stepped onto the mats.

As we begun to spar it was evident I was going to lose. She was predicting my every move, throwing hard punches to my gut, ribs, and head. I had a large bruise forming on my chin as I picked myself up again and took my stance.

May smirked at me as she stood open, going easy on me. I sunk to the floor to swipe out her legs but she flipped over me and grabbing my upper arms she took me with her, colliding my back into the not so soft and comfortable mats.

A groan escaped my lips as I rolled onto my side and stood again. I was determined to train. I wanted to prove to everyone that I was a valid and strong agent, that I had a purpose to being on this team. A reason to stay.

As I threw a punch at May she easily dodged, my muscles aching and screaming the longer we sparred.

- - - 

I had eventually managed to get May into a head lock, it wasn't tight and it wasn't secure but I had her slightly pinned. 

I  caught the sight of a shadow in the doorway and looked over to see Leo standing watching, he smiled and waved causing me to smile back.

My happiness was short lived when May threw her head back colliding with mine. I fell to the floor in agony.

"Alright, that's enough for today." Skye said, stepping onto the mat.

I sighed and rolled over onto my knees.

"What happened, if you had held a firmer hold you could have beaten me." May said, coming over.

"I was distracted..." I said, as Leo quickly sunk away from the doorway and made his escape.

"Fitz could be out on the field with us. We cannot let relations get in the way of our better judgement." May tsked.

"I'm sorry." I sighed, dropping my head and giving a slight nod of understanding.

"But I am impressed with how much you have progressed. I would be happy to be your partner on future missions." May said, walking off.

I snapped my head up in her direction. Skye held a look of shock.

"You just got a compliment from May!" she squealed, hugging me.

- - - -

I was bent over the bench in the locker room prepping for my first mission, the hunt for Skye's father.

I heard a cough at the doorway followed by a brief knock. I looked up to see Leo.

"Hi." I smiled, a light blush tinting my cheeks.

"I wanted to see you before you left." he said.

I smiled as I stood straight and walked slowly over towards him, I was still quite nervous around him despite our relationship.

"Fitz, I need to ask you to stay off comms before and during the mission. I cannot have _____ getting distracted. I will not only place her in danger but also the team." Phil said, walking into the room.

"Of course Sir." Fitz said.

"I will see you when I get back?" I asked.

"Of course, I will be waiting for you in the hanger." he said.

I smiled gently up at him.

"Be safe and be careful." he said, taking hold of my hand.

"Always." I smiled, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

He placed his empty hand behind my neck as he brought his lips to mine.

"Good luck." he whispered as he pulled away from our kiss.

"I'll need it." I smiled, my lips tingling from our first kiss.

"_____, jet now please." May said, walking past the room.

There was an awkward cough behind us.

"Oh... Sir... Phil... Sorry Sir." I blushed, looking down at my shoes.

"I'm happy for you, but we have a mission to go to." he said, nearing the door.

"Bye." I whispered, kissing Leo again quickly before Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me to the Quinn jet.

(I am so sorry for the long wait for an update, I hope you like it.)

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