Lincoln Campbell

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Inhumans are to save the world. They are the new era of heroes.

Long gone are the days we can rely on the Avengers. Dr Banner's disappearance, Thor's return to Asgard, Bucky has gone AWOL yet again, and Iron Man and Captain America have fallen out over the Sokovian Accords... or was it just an act against the government??

Now we must rely on the Inhumans.

Gifted with special, individual powers. The guide the individual to their true purpose. They can be used to protect the Earth... if they are trained correctly.

And this is why I must sacrifice not only my life, but my love for the team... and my love for Lincoln.

I must send the toxin and Hive into space to prevent the world wide destruction that is planned out ahead of us all, but there is only one way to complete such a task... I need to set the navigation up into space.

"The jet needs to be blown up outside of the Earth's atmosphere, that way the toxin can't harm us mammals." Simmons said, over comms.

"But you can't fire a rocket up at it when it hits space." Mack said.

"It has to be done from the inside, there will still be a small percentage of oxygen, more concentrated than space's atmosphere to compete this. It can't be delayed as slowly the oxygen will decrease..." Fitz said.

I looked over my shoulder to where Lincoln and Daisy fought side by side.

They were meant to be together, not him and I. They could save the world together, and they would be stronger while doing so.

"I'll do it." I muttered over the radio before disguarding it and heading for the jet.

Only I didn't see the pained expression Lincoln wore as he watched my running figure round the corner towards the jet.

- - - -

"I can't let you do this." Ward said.

"Ward... you know you won't win. You have never won." I snarled as I re-entered the flight path for space.

"I am no longer Ward."

"Oh that's right your Hive, a infestation living in a host's body. Surviving of their life source, trying to grow stronger. But all life sources... just like Hydra are ended. SHIELD destroys all evil and replaces it with hope." I said.

"______, I can't let you do this!" Lincoln said, rushing into the jet.

"Lincoln, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to save you and take your place... I'm sorry." he said.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked confused.

All of a sudden pain rippled across my chest and shoulder as Lincoln blasted me backwards and out of the jet just as the doors closed.

My body slid across the ground until it collided with the wall just before the jet took off on it's course for space.

"Lincoln..." I whispered as I hugged my knees to my chest, the tears rolling freely down my face.

"______?" a familiar voice asked.

"I'm alright... okay a little help please." I muttered, as I lost my balance due to my collision with the wall.

"I'm sorry I used my powers on you. I swore I would never use them on the woman I love." they said again.

"Lincoln?" I asked, looking up to see Coulson and Fitz.

Fitz motioned down to the screen he was holding and there I saw Lincoln's beautifully handsome face, sweating from the G-force of the jets journey.

Coulson had his arms wrapped tightly around my body, holding me close.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

"It had to be done, you are a part of SHIELD. And without you there, I would not be a part of it. It was your home not mine... and my home was with you." he said.

Tears rolled freely down my cheeks, I could taste the saltiness of them on my dry, cracked lips.

"Don't do this...." I whispered.

"It's the only way." he said, the screen crackling as he neared closer to the Earth's atmosphere.

"Please, there has to be another way." I cried.

"I love y-" Lincoln started before the screen cut off.



I cried heavily into Coulson's chest.


Lincoln's POV



"You know, I never thought this would be the end. I would move from soul to soul. Life source to life source until I gained the strength to live alone." Hive said.

"I never thought I would die like this... but at least I have a beautiful view..." I hesitated.

"I can sense Ward's pain for leaving _____ in such heart ache. He loved her for a long time before he met Skye, or Daisy... he knew no matter how hard he tried to win ______'s heart, he couldn't face destroying it when it was revealed he had betrayed them all along." Hive said.

"I never got the chance to tell her I loved her..." I sighed.

"She knows it. And she was grateful for knowing you..."


(I'm sorry it took so long to publish. I hope you like it!)

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