Phil Coulson (part 1)

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"There will be no physical pain caused. Yet you will feel as if you are hurt. The framework was designed to feel real. To help agents train in combat before going into missions. To help predict the enemies defences. To prepare the agents to prevent casualties." Fitz explained as Jemma handed a head set to me and another to Phil.

"Holden Radcliffe, has manipulated the framework that Fitz has created to trap May within the phantom reality. Causing her real self peace and tranquillity. Therefore, May will not be conscious enough to fight back leading to the possible escape we all know Agent May is capable of." Jemma explained.

"I can pull you out of the framework as I have set an encryption code in... however if I had not done this, I could not pull you out of the frame work as it would cause permemant damage to your cerebral cortex." Fitz explained.

"That is truly charming." Coulson exclaimed, a playful smirk lined his face.

I always enjoyed watching his playful happiness. 

In some ways he looked kind of cute...

But don't tell him I said that.

"Lets get started." Daisy announced as she too stood behind a laptop of her own which allowed her access the framework in case of any emergencies.

I nodded before I slipped the headset over my head and subdued myself into phantom unconsciousness and reality.


- - - -

"You know I'm really not sure I want to take you in a fight." Phil said as he wrapped his hands in gloves.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

"I could hurt you." Phil said.

"Or I could hurt you." I winked back in reply.

"You are forgetting I am part robot now." He smirked, holding up his hand.

"And we agreed that we wouldn't use any enhancements like that shield Fitz built into it." I nodded at him, raising my eyebrow knowingly before stepping onto the mats.

"Okay then. You were asking for this." he said, kicking his legs out from underneath him and swiping my legs clear of the ground.

I didnt process his actions until my nose crunched against the ground painfully.

"Okay. That hurt." I groaned, rolling onto my back before pushing myself back up to a defensive stance.

"I did warn you." he said.

"Obviously not warning enough." I grumbled, throwing my first punch of the spar.

"And how much warning are you expecting to get in the field?" he asked, ducking my thrid punch.

"As much as I can get." I smirked, knowing it was the wrong answer.

Phil chuckled but shook his head in response before stumbling backwards as my foot collided with his chest.

- - - -

"You have a lot of fight Phil. I truly commend you for it." I teased as he threw another punch at me.

"Are you flirting with me Agent _____?" Phil asked, driving his elbow into my stomach causing me to crumble to the floor.

Coulson pinned my arms above my head as he hovered above me.

"Mearly making a observation." I smirked, wrapping my legs around his and pushing him over so I could pin him to the floor.

I was about to call victory for this round of a spar as Phil looked as though he had finally given up his fight.

"No steam left in the engine sir?" I teased, slowly releasing my hold on his arms.

But that was all it took before Phil rolled us over again and pinned both my arms and my wasit with his legs.

"I guess you can't win every sparring challenge." he smirked.

"Maybe not. But I would like to see you triump again in the future... or perhaps not. I would be waiting a long time to see it happen ag-" I was cut off as lips crashed against mine.

My eyes widened before they slowly fluttered closed and I smiled into the kiss before returning the kiss with the similar level of passion.


"Okay...." Phil cleared his throat as the memory went blank and my eyes were greeted by a bright light.

"How was it?" Jemma asked.

"It was so life like." I said, watching as Phil exited the room with Fitz and Mack.

"What really happened?" Daisy asked from her computer.

"We sparred...

And we kissed...." I whispered, my fingers reaching up to my lips, wishing it was real...




(I'm so sorry it took so long to fulfil your request but I hope you like it.

Love, Phoebe x)

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