Brock Rumlow

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Again, another request I have failed to fulfil for such a long period of time. But I hope you like it!

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"Agent _____. Reporting for duty." I saluted, the Captain.

"Very funny _____." Steve laughed.

"Wait! Where's my return salute?" I asked.

"I'm not doing that here." he mumbled.

"Come on Steve! Please! I'm one of your closest friends!" I begged.

"You might as well get it over and done with Cap. She won't drop it until you do." Rumlow said.

"Hey!" I complained, throwing the closest thing at his retreating figure.

"Don't worry Steve I won't make you salute back it was just a joke." I sighed out in exasperation.

"Duly noted." He saluted.

I large smile filled my face as I clapped enthusiastically.

What I didn't catch was Rumlow's scornful gaze on our interaction.

Angry. And full of jealousy.

- - - -

"______! Rumlow has been spotted heading towards the control room. Whatever we do we cannot let him over ride the launch." Sharon spoke over the radio.

"On it." I said, intercepting Rumlow down the corridor from the control room and barrelling him into the closest room available, with the full force of my body he stumbled to the floor in the middle of what turned out to be an interview room.

"_____." he spoke.


"It's Brock. I've told you before."


He sighed, heavily.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Scared you'll get beaten by a girl?"

"No. It's not like that." he said, his hand hovering near his gun but never reaching for it.

"Then what is it like?" I asked.

He took a deep breath watching me cross my arms over my chest, blocking the only exit. The door we came barrelling through.

"You infuriate me." he spoke.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, not understanding what I could have done to upset him.

"Every time you flirt with  Rogers-"

"Me flirt with Steve? Please. He's ninety five!"


"Yes. He may be one of my closest friends. Maybe even one of my only friends. All we do is laugh and have a carry on with one another. Nothing more. Friends."

"Every time I try to talk to you your always around him." he growled.

"Just friends."

"Every time you laugh. Your with him."

"Friends. Period."

"Every time you smile, it reaches your eyes. And its with him!"

I paused, my mouth hanging slightly agape.

"Wait! Your jealous?" I asked, staggered.

He didn't answer my question and  he didn't have to.

"Did you not think to speak to me more? Spend more time with me? Not be so cold and harsh towards me?"


"And worst of all your Hydra!"

"Hydra has nothing to do with this. With us."

"Hyrda has everything to do with this!"


"Shield. I joined to make the world a safer place. A world where EVERYONE could remain safe and live in piece.

Hydra. Those ships your sending up into the air. They are wiping away that freedom of choice. They took away Steve's best friend. His only friend until he was thawed, because now I would like to think he has me. Natasha. Sam. Fury..."

He looked  at me in understanding

"If you would let me show you how much you mean to me I would drop this all in an instance and we could live without Shield without Hydra."

"It may be too late for that." I whispered.

I did truly feel the same.

In all honesty I had been too nervous to speak to him.

I didn't know how. 

I always stumbled over my words.

"You didn't need to be nervous." he said, stepping closer to me. His features softening.

"I just voiced my thoughts didn't I?" I cried in embarrassment.

"But at least I'm not the only one." he smirked.

But his smirk dropped when the door behind me was kicked open and sharp pain shot not once but twice through my right shoulder.

I fell to the floor my vision blurred with tears and my ears ringing.

"_____!" Rumlow shouted, rushing to my side.

I rolled over, away from him biting my lip to avoid screaming in pain as I rolled onto my right shoulder to avoid him.

"Please. Talk to me."

"Just go." I whispered.

"I'm not leaving you like this."

"Please just go. I obviously can't change your mind." I cried.


"Brock! Just go!" I snapped.

He fell back in silence.

"You- You j-" he started.

"Please just leave me alone. You've broken my heart enough."

And with that, there was a shuffling of feet and the closing of a door before I was left in silence.

With a breaking heart.

And in searing pain...





(I really hope you like it....


Phoebe xx)

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