Leo Fitz

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I was walking the long corridor of the new base I had been assigned to. Director Fury had assigned me to this base a few months back but now SHIELD had 'fallen' my moving had been pushed forwards. I was lost within the twists and turns as I clutched my files and loose paper work to my chest as I tried to remember one of the directions to the new director of SHIELD's office.

Director Phil Coulson.

Walk along the corridor, take a left, and a second... right? No left?

I'm lost.

I spun around, nervously biting my lips as I took the second right and went colliding into someone.

My paper work and files fell to the floor with me as I bumped into another agent on the base.

"I am so so sorry." I cried, as I looked up at the person I had hit.

"No, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." an attractive young man said. I recognised him from the files I had been given on the team that circulated around this base.

I blushed as I realized we were both staring at each other and quickly got to work tidying up my work.

"I don't recognise you, are you new here? Sorry that was a bit abrupt." he blushed, as he knelt down to help me.

"Yeah, I'm the new agent, Director Fury assigned me here. I was looking for Director Coulson's office." I said.

"Well your going in the wrong direction for that. You should of taken the left." he smiled, as he helped me stand with my collected notes.

"Oh." I blushed, looking down at the suddenly attractive floor.

"Take the left and take the second door, up the stairs, and the final door along there is the Directors office." he smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him as I quickly scurried off.

"Damn it. Should have asked her name." I swear I heard him complain.

- - - -

"Thank you Sir." I smiled as I left Director Coulson's office with a new set of directions.

Why couldn't they have just given me a map?

As I walked along the corridor where I first bumped into the attractive Scottish agent I was lost in my daydream, wondering what his name was.

I tilted my head to look inside the lab when I crashed into something.

Two hands wrapped around my arms to keep me standing.

"We should really stop meeting like this." a familiar Scottish voice said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I blushed.

There was an awkward silence that fell upon us as we stood awkwardly in the corridor.

"Fitz." he said.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Leo Fitz." he smiled.

"Oh... ______ ______." I smiled in return.

"That's a pretty name." he smiled, causing my blush to darken.

"Fitz, get in here." a girl shouted.

He let out a deep sigh.

"Coming. Jemma." he sighed, turning towards me.

"It's ok, hopefully we will see each other again without bumping into each other." I smiled, placing a light kiss to his cheek before continuing my journey.

I turned back to see Leo still stood there, his fingers tracing his cheek where I left my kiss.

I smiled before rounding the corner, and crashing right into the man I was looking for.

(I hope this is alright, I am sorry for the long wait)

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