Lincoln Campbell

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"_____, Lincoln. Lincoln, ______." Skye introduced, as I accidentally interrupted their conversation.

"Hi..." I mumbled blushing, looking to the floor in embarrassment for interrupting.

"Hi." he smiled.

"Skye? Phil would like to see you in his office... if that's alright?" I asked, timidly.

"Of course." Skye smiled, standing from her chair.

"She's shy." Skye whispered to Lincoln but I still managed to make it out before exiting the room.

- - - -

I heard a cough from behind me, causing me to jump in fright.

"Sorry." they mumbled.

I turned slightly from where I sat to see Lincoln.

"You don't need to apologise... people don't normally come up here so I just got a fright that's all." I babbled.

He smiled slightly making his way towards me.

"Why do you sit up here on the roof?" he asked.

"It helps me escape, to be free. I like it up here." I smiled.

"What do you need to escape from?" he asked.

"Well... I erm..." I paused.

"You don't have to tell me." he said, resting his hand gently on top of mine.

"It's okay... I've just been haunted by the same nightmare since the night my parents died. I don't remember much now... it was so long ago."

"I'm sorry." he whispered, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"It's fine. Phil helped me catch the man... though I believe it was too late to gain much justice. The damage had already been done." I sighed.

I gazed up into the sky smiling slightly at the stars. "I like to think they are up there watching over me... that's why I like to come out here, the stars help remind me of them." I said, glancing over at him.

"Its beautiful." he smiled at me, his head tilted down at my petite frame.

"Do you ever wish to escape from something? To find something peaceful to counterbalance the pain inside?" I asked timidly.

"I did. But I eventually learned that everything that happens, no matter how painful it may first seem... it all happens for a reason. And I slowly learnt to cope with my fears." he said, kicking his feet that dangled with mine over the roof edge.

I smiled slightly at him before casting my gaze back out and onto the night sky.

"I would like to show you something... maybe this can show you that you are never alone?" he asked.

I nodded at him, intrigued by what he wanted to show me.

"Please don't think I'm crazy.... please don't be shocked." he said.

I nodded again, encouraging him.

"I can create electricity..." he said.

"I can control its shape and form... and how I use it." he said, creating two blue pulsing, plasma balls in his palms.

"Wow... it's beautiful." I smiled, mesmerised by his skill.

"It wasn't when I first got my powers... I didn't know how to control them... I was scared just like you." he said, making the balls disappear.

"Your like Skye?" I questioned.

"Yes, there are lots of us." he sighed.

"There's something else?" I asked, placing my hand gently on his arm.

"I too lost my parents... they abandoned me when I returned home after learning to control my powers... before the world became too dangerous for us. They did not wish to have a son like me." he sighed.

"I'm so sorry." I said, looking up at him to find him smiling down at me.

"Maybe we can help each other?" he asked.

"I don't have any gifts. I have nothing special like you, I cant create magical beautiful balls of electricity." I said.

"You are a beautiful gift within yourself. You just don't see it." he smiled down at me, leaning slightly closer towards me...


(I hope you like it! I hope its what you were asking for and I did your request justice.)

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