Leo Fitz

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I am so sincerely sorry for how long it has taken me to get around to completing your request. I just hope I can do this justice and makeup for the time you have waited so beautifully and gratefully patiently for me to fulfil your request. I cannot apologise enough!


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Leo's POV

I paced- 

No scratch that.

I stalked aggressively around the room trying to clear my head and think!

Don't do this.

Snap out of it.




I slapped my hands repeatedly against my forehead before kicking the chair nearest to me, causing it to tip backwards and smash to the floor.

"DAMN IT!" I screamed out my frustration.

"S-sorry. I'll come back later." a familiar, delicate voice stammered in the direction of the doorway.

I spun round to greet her beautiful face.

"______." I breathed out, a calm washing over me.

She gave me a timid smile, her eyes scanning the environment. Probably in case I have another violent outburst.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

She giggled slightly. "You don't need to apologise to me."

She walked over to the chair lying on the floor behind me.

"But maybe you should apologise to the chair." she smiled broadly causing me to laugh.

"I just can't think. Fitz isn't inside my head right now." I sighed, placing my palms together and pacing once again.

She leaned against the table gently and looked at me quizzically.

"I am lost inside my own head. I am a Shell."

"Fitz. You aren't lost. Your searching for something you wish was you." she said.

"I just don't get it. I don't understand. ______. I'm not me." I sighed, looking upwards towards the ceiling and taking a deep breath, stretching my arms out, feeling my muscles slacken and relax before my back cracked in relief from not sitting hunched over a blank computer screen for hours on end.

"You are you. Just as much as I am me."

"You don't get it. Your perfect. I'm worthless."

"Hey! That's uncalled for. You are amazing. You don't need your brain or your science-y thoughts to be Leo Fitz. You just need to be you. Your presence screams Leo Fitz." she started. "I mean no one could pull off what your wearing because it's Leo Fitz. You are Leo Fitz. Fitz."

I looked at her, processing her soft words one by one.

"That's the first time you've called me by my first name." I spoke my thoughts aloud.

A light tinge covered her cheeks.

I made her blush... the most beautiful woman I've ever met... I made her blush. 

Plain, old boring Fitz.

"What do you mean no one could pull off what I wear? Do I look that bad?" I asked, scanning my clothes for any sort of malfunction.

"No. I think you look hands- No. It's just that you are just as important in this team as Mack, Daisy, Jemma... We all need you. Not because of your Science. Not because of your intellect... Because of you." she spoke softly, as I sat gently on the table, beside her.


"You have lost your self. Nobody has lost you. You have become so caught up in yourself and your thoughts that you've begun to loose who you are to yourself. How you see yourself."

I looked at her, locking with her gaze.

"How do you see yourself in the mirror? You have lost your self-love."

"I see emptiness." I spoke truly.

"Emptiness..." she hummed, struggling with her thoughts.

I looked at her expectanly, admiring her natural beauty.

"I can work with emptiness... I've worked with less before." she said.

"Less than emptiness?" I questioned, before she interrupted my train of thoughts.

"I tell you what. Take me out to dinner tonight. And I'll show you how you should never describe yourself as empty ever again." she said, standing up abruptly and walking towards the door.

I was shocked, _____ had never been so outgoing in all her time at SHIELD.

She paused in the doorway before turning back to face me.

"Or tomorrow... or whenever you're next free. Or not at all. But I'll still help you." she rambled on.

"Tonight sounds perfect."

She smiled at me, reaching behind her for the door handle.

"But who have you worked on before? Mr Less than Emptiness?" I asked, as she opened the door skilfully behind her.

The uncertainty in her eyes as they locked with mine for a split second before casting to the floor, following her rapid departure answered my question.

It was a Miss Less than Emptiness...


That Miss... was ______.





(I really hope you enjoyed it!

Again I am so terribly sorry that it has taken me so long to fulfil your request but I hope you like it!


 Phoebe xx)

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