Lincoln Campbell

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I jumped awake, scared and frightened.

Gasping for air as I tried to control my breathing.

I had no idea where I was.

Who I am.

The world was hazy around me as I blinked to clear my vision.

"_______? Your awake!" a voice which felt familiar yet I did not recognise called from the doorway to the room I was held within.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked, sitting up in the bed as I scanned my surroundings for anything familiar.

"I am Phil. Phil Coulson... Director of SHIELD. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"You know me? Who am I?"

"You are ______ _______. An agent with SHIELD. Y-" Phil was cut off when a familiar looking woman entered the room.

"______! It's so good to see your awake!" she exclaimed.

"_____. This is Jemma Simmons. A friend and fellow agent of both yours and mine." Phil introduced.

Jemma cast her gaze towards Phil before they stepped outside of the room.

"She doesn't remember anything?" Jemma whispered, yet I managed to capture what she was saying.

"She didn't even remember her own name." Phil explained.

"The accident she suffered during the mission could have caused more damage than we thought. Fitz and I originally believed it was just external wounds. But if she is suffering memory loss... amnesia... her hippocampus within her brain could have been damaged when she fell. She did fall from a substantial height." Jemma explained.

"Is there anyway that we could help her remember?" Phil asked.

"Yes. Perhaps... Photographic cues, followed by the detailed description of the events behind the captured pictures... but who is going to tell Lincoln?"

"Leave it with me." Phil said, before I heard retreating feet and Jemma stepped back into the room with a tight smile on her face.

- - - -

I flicked passed another picture on the tablet Jemma had provided me as I desperately clawed at any memory I could grasp from the images before me.

Frustrated that I couldn't remember a single thing I tossed the tablet onto the bed at my feet and lent back against the headrest on the bed sighing deeply. It wasn't until then that I caught sight of the silent figure leaning in the door frame.

"H-hi." I blushed, nervously pulling at my top and raking my fingers through my tangled hair.

"You look beautiful as ever ______. You do not need to worry." the stranger smiled, stepping cautiously into the room.

"I'm so sorry. But I don't r-" I started.

"I'm Lincoln. Lincoln Campbell. It's killing me right now seeing you like this..." he mumbled the last part yet I still caught the odd word.

"Would you... would you like to help me remember?" I asked, motioning towards the discarded tablet.

"It would be my genuine pleasure." He smiled, watching me scoot in the medical bed to provide space for him to sit down.

Despite not remembering who this man is, or what he meant to me... my body craved to be close to him... to seek his comfort.

- - - -

I had been in this room for over a week now.

Throughout this time I have spent long days, hours, minutes... and seconds going through any and all pictures to refresh my memory.

To regain my lost memories.

I was beginning to feel familiar around Phil, Coulson, Daisy and Lincoln. As they spent the longest periods of time trying to help me.

I was frustrated that I could not remember the significance of my relationship with all of the individuals who visited me throughout my time here... especially Lincoln.

"I have some personal photos of us... that perhaps might help." Lincoln announced, snapping me from my thoughts as he reached for his phone.

I leant deeper into his side as the arm slung around my shoulders tightened.

"This picture was taken when we took a small vacation to Miami." Lincoln smiled as he passed me the phone.

It held a picture of us. Him giving me a piggy back as the sun set almost romantically in the background. We both wore childish, happy grins on our faces as the picture was taken.

"We look so happy. How long was this vacation?" I asked, tilting my head to look up at him.

"Unfortunately less than forty-eight hours as Phil called us back in for a dangerous mission..." Lincoln's posture stiffened slightly.

"Was this the mission that caused to my memory loss?" I asked.

"Yes." Lincoln sighed in defeat.

"I am sorry for causing you pain." I sighed, reaching to hold his hand.

"Never apologise my love. You have nothing to apologise for." Lincoln smiled softly at me.


"This picture is just of me... why aren't you, or any one else in this picture?" I asked, swiping left.

"I was the one to take this picture." Lincoln explained.

"In Miami?" I asked.

"Yes." Lincoln grinned, looking down at me with so much raw emotion in his eyes.

"Lincoln... were we ever... d-" I never managed to finish my sentence as his lips crashed onto mine.

My eyes fluttered shut but it all ended too quickly as he pulled away as abruptly as the kiss was started.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have do-" Lincoln started.

"I remember." I cut him off.

Lincoln's stressed frown smooths as his lips pull into the most handsome smile that graced his beautiful face.

"Oh ______. I love you so much." Lincoln smiled, pulling me in for another kiss.




(I am so sorry it took so long to update your request but I hope you like it.

Love, Phoebe x)

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