In The Meadow, We Fall Apart

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The pack's Alpha, Harry Styles is nearly 18 years old which means he's going to find his mate soon. Harry is feeling so excited about this, and he can't wait to find out who is going to take the spot as a lovely mate. Harry has lots of expectations, he wants to have a perfect girl to be his wife and the mother of his pups, but fate has another plan.

The supposedly 'magical' day arrives rather quickly. He wakes up early with a bright smile on his face, continues his normal morning routine taking a shower and getting ready. Wearing a black button up shirt with a black skinny jeans and brown boots, he is full of confidence for his big day. It's a bit chilly out, considering it's early February.

After eating a filling breakfast with his family, Harry ran to the school. Meeting up with his longtime best friends Liam and Niall, the cheery boys brighten his morning further. Walking into the school doors, the three boys are reminded that they are quite the popular group. All the girls want them, and the boys want to be just like them.

"Dude, Happy birthday! My baby is all grown up!" Niall exclaims, causing Liam and Harry to chuckle. The short Irish lad and Liam crush the Alpha in a big, brotherly hug.

"Thanks guys, you two are amazing." Harry replies brightly, flashing a toothy smile.

"You excited to see your mate?" Niall winks, making a slight blush rise to my cheeks.

"Of course! I can't wait to meet her. I bet she's going to be beautiful, all the traits I need in an Omega." The Alpha says dreamily falling into a state of admiration for his mate he has yet to meet.

"Such a sappy romantic, I am gonna get sick." Liam jokes making gagging noises, while Harry snaps out of his loving daze. His eyes are full of humor and happiness for most of the day, but throughout the time Harry has been in school, he is experiencing trouble maintaining focus.

The bell rings, and all the students begin rushing out of the cold classroom. Harry's nose detects an intoxicating scent. The smell is so strong, undeniably sweet. He can't stop inhaling the air, and Harry feels like his eyes are a bit hazy, clouded with lust and curiosity. Until he realizes something, it must be coming from his mate.

"Guys do you smell that?" Harry says softly, secretively searching for possible mates. He scans all different girls who pass down the halls, wondering where she is.

"No, what do you smell- Oh my goodness..." Liam soon catches on, and he smiles brightly.

"Yeah man go get her!" Niall says happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Harry smiles brightly and nods at the two boys while heading off to start following the sweet scent.

Harry continues to desperately rush through the halls, completely dependent on his nose. The scent travels towards the school gates, leading out into a beautiful shining courtyard. Yellow flowers litter the field, as well as strong apple trees. The image is surreal.

A small boy that looks a year younger than me is sitting under the tree. With a bright blue eyes, soft feathery brown hair, and perfect cheekbones, he wears glasses and a cardigan. If you ask me it makes him look like a total geek, yet he also looks stressed with a face as pale as snow.

Harry feels his heart bump madly, as this isn't what he's been expecting. With a disgusted look on his face, the nerd doesn't pay any mind that Harry is beginning to approach. This must be a joke, a lame nerd like this kid can't be my mate, its just putrid. Harry is quite picky and doesn't want a mate like this, and hell he isn't even gay.

North, Harry's inner wolf is screaming out for the Alpha to take action and provide care to the little lad who is looking white as a ghost. North is thinking that this guy is breathtakingly beautiful, and deserves a good quality mate. The Omega looks unhappy and Harry just wants to hug and kiss him for eternity, but instead of following his heart for his wolf form North, Harry decides it is best to show no emotion.

The muscular Alpha walks up slowly to the Omega with a disgusted look. "Stand up."

Eager to please, the timid wolf stands up immediately, with a scared and worried expression.

"What's your full name Omega?"

"Louis William Tomlinson, Alpha." He says softly just above a whisper. Louis keeps his head down, eyes to the dirt ground as respect.

Then without thinking, Harry presses the matter.

"I, Alpha Harry Edward Styles am rejecting you, Omega Louis William Tomlinson as my mate and as a pack Luna." The Alpha says with authority, chest puffed out and his emerald eyes downcast onto a chestnut haired Louis.

Louis lets a small tear cascade down his rosy cheeks, due to the pain of losing a mate. Nodding, he continues the process.

"I, Omega Louis William Tomlinson am accepting your rejection, Alpha Harry Edward Styles." Louis says with a shaky, cracked and weakened voice.

Harry just rolls his eyes when he notices that Louis is crying. The Omega deserves to be in a better situation, and Harry is aware of this. Louis looks so weak and fragile, causing Harry to grow a slight hate for the Omega who "craves sympathy."

He begins to turn around to leave the omega, but comes to a halt when he hears Louis' soft voice speak out.

"I knew that the Alpha was going to reject me, and I'm glad you did to be honest. For the record, if I was Alpha, I wouldn't want to be with myself either, as I am not worth it. One more word Alpha, can I ask for your permission?" Louis quietly spits out the request.

Harry feels like the air from his lungs have been taken from him.

"What would you be asking permission for?" Harry's voice grows quiet.

"I would like to break the bond. Before you ask, I don't want to be here anymore, and it would be best." Louis says so calmly, even though his cheeks are red with tears and his lips are a tint blue because of the weather and his sorrow.

From that moment on, Harry regrets rejecting his mate.

Author's Note
Hope you guys like it! Please vote, comment, and let me know what you think. Love always, Stella x

Edited by my beta Cali CaliStrantz

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