We Need Luck, For The Justice

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The Necklace, that damned necklace just starting fire inside Harry. He's furious and he barely controls his emotions, and he's scared to death. He's terrified that maybe Niall is somehow behind all of this. But what is his motive? He needs to find the answer while he's doing his job to protect his lovely mate.

Louis is still blue and he's afraid with the Alpha. This Harry reminds him of the one that rejected Louis. He's still shaking because Harry can't stop growling. He's been screaming on the phone, talking about the security and more. But nobody was here, not even yesterday or the day before. He needs to get away for a while. He wants to breathe fresh air and to find Melissa.

"A-alpha, I want to go to the Pack's house." Louis says so politely. "Louis you can't go alone." Harry sighs. He's being overprotecting right now. He's not even sorry.

"Sophia will take me there. She's outside actually." Louis replies. Harry feels a little bit better, to know that his mate is with the Beta. "Take care darling. I love you." Harry kisses Louis' forehead softly.

"I love you too Harry." Louis replies softly. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I just-" Harry explains. "It's okay Alpha. But don't forget to take care of yourself okay. I don't want you to get stressed." The Omega holds Harry's cheek lovingly and he leaves with Sophia.


"Are you okay Louis? I heard you got a necklace from someone who took Harry's name." Sophia asks gently as they both walk to the Pack's house to search Melissa.

"I'm scared to death Soph, but I think there's something behind it. I'm sure it has meaning. That person seems like giving me a code, or maybe a clue. I don't know, or maybe it's only a necklace." Louis says.

"This is all connected. The rejection is the spark, and the fire just has begun."

"Is rejection really a bad crime?" Louis asks her.

"Rejection is forbidden, if there's someone who does it, he or she will get a punishment."

Louis gulps nervously, "What is the punishment?"


Then Louis knows that this is bigger than what he's been thinking.


Louis asks politely to meet Melissa. He never sees her before, and he just hopes that everything will work out. Maybe he can find answers from Niall's mate.

He knocks the door, and finds Melissa laying down on the couch. "Hello Melissa. I'm Louis." Louis smiles to her.

Surprisingly, Melissa smiles so wide as she sees her Luna. "Luna!"

Louis is glad that Melissa seems so friendly. "I heard that you are sick, so I want to visit you." The Omega smiles warmly as he kneels down beside the couch. He's so humble and down to earth.

"Thank you so much Luna for coming. It's been a hard week, my mate is missing." Melissa says sadly and she nears in tears.

"I'll accompany you, I'd love to talk with you sweetheart. I'm so sorry for that Mel, I'm sure that our people will find him." Louis says.

Melissa smiles hopefully in reply. "I hope so. But I think he's in dangerous Luna."

Louis frowns. "Did he tell or give you anything before he left?"

"He just told me to read a note on our bedside table." Melissa says and asks Louis to get it for her.

He gives it to Melissa and asks before she opens it, "What does it say?"

"I can't read it Luna. It's sort of like a code or something." Melissa hands it to him.

It exactly looks like a secret code. But strangely, Alaska reads it for him and surprises the Omega.

Photograph. It says photograph.

How can you read it Alaska?

I don't know what is happening with me Louis, but I can read it.

Louis thinks and connects everything in pieces. The note is connected with the one that he got with the necklace. There are lyrics from Photograph, which it is Louis' favorite song. Then The Omega feels like Niall is trying to give him clues. But Louis does not understand why he keep it just for him? Then he realizes that Niall wants him to find the answer. To find the Beta.

"Does Niall like photography?" Louis asks.

"Yes, what's wrong Luna?" Melissa asks curiously.

"Is he keeping the photos? Can you show them for me?"

Melissa says, "Of course. It's under the sink."

Louis goes to the kitchen and finds a black box under the sink.

The omega opens it and finds lots of photos. Starting from the photos of Melissa, wolves until a single photo of buildings from the city.

"Melissa, do you know the meaning of this necklace?" He takes the necklace from his pocket.

"Where did you get it Luna? It supposedly belongs to the Hunters."

Louis shivers in fear and he feels like his blood is running in cold.

He starts remembering the lyrics of Photograph.

...Under the lamppost
Back on 6th street....

"Melissa I think I know where he is."

Author's Note
Thank you so much for the votes and comments on the last chapters of Regret, I really appreciate it. Here is another chapter, this is actually a filler. Hope you guys like it! The next chapter will have lots of Larry (hopefully ;)) I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment and let me know what you think!

Thank you for reading loves!


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