Bonus Chapter (#1)

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In the beautiful morning, Harry is currently bouncing his 10 months old baby boy. Carter is absolutely the cutest thing ever. He smiles to his daddy.

He is very sweet and he rarely cries. Carter always cheers for his mummy. He always smiles when his mummy comes. But secretly Carter still loves his daddy though. He just loves his mummy more.

"Hi cutie. Daddy loves you so so so much!" Harry gives his son kisses on his cheeks, making his little boy squeal in happiness.

"Honey! Look Carter loves me more!" Harry calls for his omega and giggling while along.

Suddenly Louis appears in his very cute outfit. He wears legging and one of Harry's big sweaters. The Alpha almost wants to faint because Louis' very sweet scent and his stunning appearance. 

"Bunny look mummy is here!" Harry cheers and Louis smile brightly to his family. The Omega takes Carter from Harry and hugs him close to his heart.

Of course Carter sighs in happiness and tries to listen to his mummy's soothing heartbeats. "Well of course he is going to do that." Harry says and giggles.

Louis just rolls his eyes and kisses him on his lips. "I love you babe."

"I love you most sweetheart!" Harry smiles brightly.

Author's Note

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