Keep Us Sane, Rouge Hearts

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"Mother, I have a bad feeling." Louis whispers.

"What is it darling?" His mother replies with a worried look.

"My mate. I- I think he is in danger." Louis speaks brokenly. He feels like his whole body is aching and his heart hurts badly.

"Sophia! Sophia!" Jay screams for her son's beta. Louis just stays there, shaking and his face turns blue.

Then Sophia comes, "What is wrong my queen?" Before Jay replies her, she sees Louis staring at the wall like a ghost and she knows there is something wrong with Harry.

Sophia takes a look on his mating bond, and she gasps. "My queen, we have to find Harry. He is in total danger and Louis' wolf is not responding. He needs his mate now!"

After a few moments, Louis faints into his mother arms and the other pack members can feel their Luna's energy is  slowly fading away.


Everyone is in total alert after Sophia told everything and they get ready with their guns and weapons. They are now heading to trace Harry's scents along with the missing beta Niall's.

Louis is still unconscious as Jay is holding him tightly in the car. They are going to the north, far from the city. "I think we have to go back first to Harry and Louis' cabin." Luke whispers, he is a pack member.

"Are you crazy?! We don't have any time to go back-" Sophia yells.

"Sophia, Niall is trying to save Harry, and I'm sure he is leaving us some clues. You already know that Niall always leaves something for us. It's so much faster if we get the clue. Olly turn back to the pack's house now." Luke gives order to the driver.

"Bradley, tell everyone to keep moving. We are heading back home to find something, make sure to keep tracing their scents." Sophia calls another pack member.

After 15 minutes with maximum power, they arrive safely. Jay, Louis, Olly, and Mark are waiting in the car while Sophia, Luke and 2 other pack members try to find something inside the house.

"Do you smell that? It does not belong to anyone from our pack." Luke whispers.

"Liam was here and he brought another friend." Sophia says weakly.

"Shit, he is going to kill Harry. Guys keep looking for any clues!" Luke's voice is a little bit shaky and there is a slight a fear in it.

They are all looking for Niall's clues on everything they can find. Under the bed, inside the drawers, and even at the bathroom. Until another pack member, Tristan, sees something behind a frame of Louis and Harry's photograph.

G. P / Reilig

"Guys! I found something!" Tristan yells at the top of his lungs.

Everyone reads the message and they know it is from Niall's handwriting but G.P / Reilig, they feel like they are lost in a dead end.

"What does it mean?" Luke says.

"I'm sure it has meaning behind it, let's go, maybe our queen knows about it." Then they are running to the car.


"Geoff Payne." The queen answers.

"But how about the Reilig?" Sophia asks the queen once again. She speaks so carefully, feels like she does not want to wake up her Luna, Louis.

"It means cemetery in Irish. Niall speaks Irish sometimes. I think he wants us to go to Geoff's grave." The queen answers with a sigh.

"Why Niall wants us to go there?" Tristan asks, while they are moving to the East. Luke is calling everyone in the pack to go there.

"Because he wants to make things right." Sophia says honestly.

"But why he did not tell us? Why he was just giving us a clue?" Olly asks Luke and Sophia.

"Because Liam is watching him. He knows that he is going to save Harry. Kids, this is more than just a revenge." Mark is the one who answers it.

Then everyone goes quite.


"Baby? Can you hear me darling?"

Louis hears voices. A whisper coming from his mate. He can't wake up or open his eyes, but he keeps hearing Harry. He wants to open his eyes, but he can't.

"North, where are you?" Alaska whimpers.

"I need you to follow my voice okay darling. I'll be meeting you soon. But now I want you to wake up from your sleep. You are sleeping for so long Alaska, and your parents and your friends need you. Especially me, I need you baby. I want you to wake Louis now."

"The bond mark is fading North! Where are you now?!" Alaska whimpers.

"Harry is sleeping. And I can't wake him up, I'm the one who is keeping him alive. He got hurt, but I need you to stay alive for me okay. We'll be okay. But now you have to wake Louis. Harry needs him too."

"North I love you." Alaska cries.

"I love you the most my sweetheart." North says and Alaska isn't longer hearing him.

Author's Note
Here's the update! Hope you guys like it X

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