Our Journey, Bright Abyss

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The Alpha is pacing down back and forth in his lovely house, with shaking hands and beating heart. He is so worried, that he might hurt his Omega's feeling. Harry feels so bad about it, it looks like they always fight these days. Which it's not good at all.

He tries to find his beloved Louis, but he can't find him and one of his friend tells that Louis is actually at his parents house. Harry feels like he isn't good enough, because Louis always ask for love and more affection on his parents. But Harry knows, Louis just needs more time to think.

He is now sitting by the window, staring to the beautiful sky which is turning into pink and violet. It's absolutely a sight to see, and he feels calm for a moment. The house smells like his Omega, and a little bit of Lavender and Cinnamon. Harry just wants to stay here forever.

But Harry does not  know that there is someone who is watching him near the arbor, with so much hatred. He keeps sitting there with a cup of tea, while waiting for his beloved mate.

Then there is a knock, Harry runs to the door and hopes for Louis. But he finds Niall, after months, coming back to his territory.

Harry gasps and just stands there. He is speechless and he can't believe that Niall is here. In his territory after months of being nowhere. "Harry. You have to listen to me. You need to pack now. There is someone who is looking for you and this is not going to be good." He says with concern and it makes Harry's heart sink.

Before Harry asks about Louis, The Beta says, "Louis is alright. He is safe now. I'll tell you what happened when we are in the car. Now hurry you don't have so much time!"

Harry just nods repeatedly and runs to his bedroom to prepare everything. He throws a suitcase and fills it with everything he can fine. He changes his clothes to a better outfit, so he can always be prepared if there is something bad going to happen.

Inside Niall's car, Harry can hear both of their hearts beating rapidly. "Where have you been Niall?"

"I have to protect you and Louis. I'm sure you know about everything. About your mate's origin. So that time I had to leave, I had to take care lots of things. Harry, there is someone who wants to kill you. For a revenge."

"Liam." Harry breathes. "Liam isn't it?"

Niall looks at him with wide eyes. "Louis told you about it?"

Harry glances away as the guilt is creeping him. The Alpha just nods and stares at his own lap. "He is more special than you think Harry. You have no idea."

"I just want us to be normal, I want to have a family with him. I want him to get pregnant with my baby, and just live like a normal couple."

"What are you talking about? You are saying that he isn't normal?!" Niall growls.

"It's not like that Niall, it's just everything is so complicated. We are exhausted about everything!" Harry says in his Alpha voice. But that's making Niall calm, instead he stops the car in the middle of the abandon road.

"You are not fighting for him Harry! You are just complaining about everything! He's trying to protect you, he never wants you to be involved with all of this stuffs! It's all your fault from the start, you rejected him remember?!"

Harry flinches and he has tears rolling down on his red cheeks. "I'm sorry, but you never do anything about it. You just let him leave and come back home. But you never care about his feelings."

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers brokenly.

"I know you are both love each other but he is an Omega. He is fragile Harry. You should have respect him. You better take a rest, this is going to be a long ride. We are going to the east and we will be meeting Louis there."

Harry does not have the energy to keep his eyes open, even though his heart breaks into death.


Harry wakes up 3 hours later after they arrive at the small village far from his territory. "Niall?" He asks for his Beta who isn't sitting or driving beside him.

Then Harry walks out from the car and studies everything in front of his sight. He sees blood puddle on the street, and he flinches at it.

Until he realizes the smell of the blood is coming from his Beta. 

Author's Note

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