No More Tears, Darling

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The Alpha never leaves his sleeping mate. Sophia says that he needs time to be healed. With Harry by his side, Louis heals faster. Harry keeps whispering sweet words to his mate and kisses his face. He wants to show Louis how much he loves him. North is slowly forgiving him and he can't be more thankful for that.

Sophia knocks his bedroom's door softly, "Alpha, you need to go the Pack's house. We have something to figure out and I'm sure you don't want to miss this."

Harry does not want to leave his Omega, "But what if he wakes up while I'm not here?" North whines, he just wants to stay here with Louis and his mate's smells is really sweet and comforting for him.

"I'll stay here with Louis, you will be the first one to know when he wakes up. Now go Alpha, they need you."


Harry walks on the wooden floor, to the Pack's meeting room. It looks more like a living room but bigger.

He meets Liam, and he knows that he is still mad at him. The Beta scoffs and glares to Harry. He needs to work things out. Before Harry says anything, Liam snaps at him, "I know that you finally mate him but I still can't forgive you." The Beta leaves him and walks to the Pack's meeting room, while Harry is following behind him. They were actually really close, but everything is different right now.

The room is full with people and they have been waiting for the Alpha. "Thank you for coming Alpha." Liam says sarcastically and everyone bows to Harry.

"Aside from the rejection, our Alpha finally mates to his omega, Louis William Tomlinson. Soon, he is going to be the Luna of our pack. But we still have problems coming from the Royals. In fact, an unknown shooter was here in our territory. Unfortunately, there was someone who wanted to kill our Alpha. But again, his mate saved him and the arrow shot through the Luna's heart." As the Beta, Liam says to the Pack.

Everyone gasps at this. "We have to find the shooter." A member says.

"Our Beta Sophia, informs that the arrow that hit our Luna, was from The Royals. As you already know that our Luna is actually the son of King Alpha Troy and Queen Johanna. She already tracked the shooter but we lost their smells near the river. But I'm afraid the Royals will come back and and take our Luna from here."

"We can't let that happen." Harry blurts out. "He's a part from our Pack. They can't just take him, he is my mate-"

"We are here to protect you and your mate, Alpha."


After the meeting, Harry goes back to Louis. He is still sleeping peacefully, his features look so soft and precious. He looks so calm in his sleep, and the Alpha just wants to keep him that way.

He sings a love song to Louis as he keeps stroking his soft hair. The Omega is so delicately beautiful and he is so polite. Harry can't wait for Louis to raise their pups. He's going to be so wonderful. The Alpha can just stare at him all day, the view is so fascinating. He loves him more than anything.

But then, Harry feels a gesture on his skin. His heart starts rising and beating loudly. Louis just moves and he's slowly waking up. "Come on baby wake up for me. Wake up sweetheart, I know you can do it. I miss those blue eyes that I love the most."

Louis blinks weakly and he barely feels the pain. The omega surprises at the sight of Harry is being there, right next to him, so closely.

Harry starts crying in happy tears and he can't stop kissing his baby's forehead. "Oh darling, you are finally awake. I miss you so much sweetheart-"

"Alpha?" Louis whispers. He's still in shock for everything at the moment.

"Yes darling? What is it? What do you need?"

"Why am I here? Why are you crying? You are not supposed to be here. We have to break the bond." Louis says as he's trying to get up.

Harry's heart sinks when Louis talks about breaking the bond. He's expecting Louis to forgive him.

"No baby, you need to rest. You just got shot, you were dying and you scared me so badly darling-"

Then Louis sobs into his own hands, "Why you can't just let me die?" His blue eyes are wet with tears, as he remembers the attack before. He traces the bite mark on his throat.

"You are my mate sweetheart and I need you in my life. I love you so much Louis." Harry pulls Louis into his lap and hugs him tightly.

Louis just cries on Harry's chest and he hugs his Alpha. "But I don't want to disappointed you. I'm scared that you are going to get tired with me. I don't want to let you down Alpha. I love you too, but I can't be what do you want me to be." In this moment, Louis wants to believe his mate, that they can happen. The Alpha has been doing nothing but being sweet and caring towards the Omega.

They are both crying and tangled up together, trying to hold on each others. "Baby, you are everything that I want. You are perfect for me. You don't need to be anyone else, just be yourself sweetheart. I love all of you with all of my heart. I love you my angel. I love you so much. Please give me a chance to show you how much I love you. I promise I'm going to protect you and I want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy baby."

Louis is overwhelmed with the love and adoration from his mate. He feels so lucky to have Harry as his mate. He's trying to be a better mate. He knows that they can't change everything. But they can move on, not forget about the past but make the mistakes to be another lessons to learn, on how to stay strong and how to forgive, and especially how to accept everything and how to be grateful.

Louis kisses his mate passionately, pouring his emotions into the kiss. He feels the bond is getting stronger. The Alpha kisses him back with so much love and they kiss until they lose breath.

Author's Note
So much fluff! Here is another another chapter of Regret. The next chapter might contains smut ;) Hope you enjoy this! I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment, and let me know what you think!

Have a beautiful day gorgeous!

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