Eye For Eye, Soul For Soul

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"What?" Harry is shocked. He can't believe this. His face turns pale as he sees his beautiful mate staring at him with wide eyes that blind with fear.


"He could not be the shooter right?" The Alpha says as he keeps staring to the band.

"I don't know Harry, but this is the exact place where the shooter came from." Louis explains.

"B-but he is my Beta. He's my loyal friend. I can't believe it. I don't think the band belongs to Liam. He can't be a Hunter Louis!" Harry says with a disgusted face, making his mate turn red.

"Why you are so disgusted with the Hunters? I'm offended Harry, I'm a Hunter too. You told me minutes ago that you did not even care if I'm a Hunter or not." Louis says with anger.

Harry stays quite and he can't look up to his Luna. The blue eyes Omega just sighs sadly and he decides that he needs answer. He will drive to his Mother's house.

"I forgive you, I'm just scared that you are going to be disgusted with our children because they are going to have their mummy's Hunter blood." Louis says with no emotions.

"Louis, I'm so sorry darling. I love you just the way you are and I will love our future children as much as I love you. It's just you are my mate and he is Liam. I don't want to think strangely. He's been so loyal to me, but then he wanted to kill me?"

"You will stay at home, I'll find the answers. Don't worry about me. I'll bring Sophia." Louis press kisses to Harry's cheeks and leaves after they go home.


Louis and Sophia are now heading to the city with Harry's car. The Beta is driving the car while Louis just staring to the band and playing it with his fingers.

"What are you thinking Luna?" Sophia asks him.

Louis sighs, "The band, Liam and everything. I feel like I live in a world full with mystery. This isn't fun at all. This is frustrating me. Thank God I'm not pregnant now, Sophia. This situation might harm the baby."

Sophia smiles when Louis talks about pregnancy. She is sure that the Omega is going to be a wonderful mother.

"Hey, you need to calm yourself sweetheart." Sophia says the soothing words.

"I think Harry did not believe me when I told him that this band belongs to Liam. Well I'm not really sure if it belongs to his Beta, Liam. it might belongs to someone else with the same name. But my feeling-"

"We will find answers Louis. Don't worry everything will be alright. Harry was just scared. He will be fine and you need to relax babe. It's not good for Omegas." Sophia says softly and Louis stops talking, he is slowly falling asleep as he sees the trees from the window.


"Luna, we are here." Sophia slowly waking up the pretty Omega.

Louis blinks his eyes and he rubs them with his dainty hands. "Thank you for driving me here Sophia."

"You need my help Luna and I'll always be there for you." The Beta smiles lovingly.

They both go to his Mother house. Louis knocks the door. His father appears and suddenly Louis is being hugged tightly.

"Louis! My son! It's so wonderful to meet you darling!" His father says with tears on his eyes.

Louis smiles warmly to him and hugs him back. "Hello father. It's pleasure to meet you. This is my best friend, Sophia." Louis introduces the Beta.

"Hello Sir." Sophia greets politely.

"Well thank you Sophia for being so caring towards my son. Come on, let's get inside. Your mother is currently cooking your favorite food."

Louis smiles wider. They both go inside the house and The Omega relaxes a bit more as he sits down on the sofa with his father in front of him.

"Louis what brings you here?" Mark says.

Louis shifts uncomfortably. "Father, I have a little problem."

Mark nods, and he calls for his wife. Johanna comes and hugs her son. She sits beside Mark.

"What's wrong Louis?" Johanna says worriedly. "And where is Harry? Why he isn't here with you?"

"Harry is a little bit busy right now. He was being difficult and I was upset with him but we are okay now. It's just-"

Louis takes the band and shows it to his parents. "This band, mother what does it say?"

Johanna takes it and she learns it. "It says Liam. Where did you get it?"

"There was someone that wanted to kill my mate and I found this at the exact place where I saw the arrow came."

"And the problem is; in our Pack we have our Beta named Liam, and he is our Alpha's best friend." Sophia applies the information.

There is a long pause until Johanna says, "You have a cousin named Liam also, 7 years older than you and he is also a pure Hunter."

"Is he our Beta?" Louis says in fear. His heart is jumping inside his ribs.

"When you were born, the Hunters and the Wolves are not friends. They are all enemies. It was forbidden to me to marry your mother, but my grandfather thought that it was alright because we had strong protection and we are the Royals also that your mother is my mate. We fell in love naturally. They made me as an exception. Then I married your mother. But there was a man that wanted to take you from us." Mark starts tearing up at the memories.

"That man was Harry's grandfather-" Louis' heart sinks even more.

"We had our best warrior and he was your mother's brother, Geoff. He got killed when he was protecting you. We lost our best and loyal guardian that time. He got killed with an arrow-" Then Louis knows that this is his Beta, Liam that his father is now talking about. The Omega knows that Liam has a father named Geoff, but he only knows that he is already dead since years ago.

"-And Harry's grandfather killed him." Louis finishes the line. His parents nod with a sad face.

"I lost my brother Louis, I accepted it but Liam, he never did. He was losing his favorite person. He was seven years old in that moment, but he remembered everything. He saw it with his own eyes." Johanna explains more.

"Liam wants to kill Harry as a revenge." The Omega says.

"When he knew that Harry rejected you, it triggered him, because he wanted to protect you. He did not want you to get hurt. He did not want you to end up just like his father. Your uncle." Mark says.

"But Harry will never hurt me- or anything like that."

"Darling, Liam has a massive scar inside his heart and it can't be healed."

Author's Note
Only a few chapters left! Hope you like it, and I apologize for the grammar mistakes english isn't my first language but I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment, and let me know what you think! XX

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