The Wild One, Inside Our Ribs

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As soon as the arrow hit Louis, Sophia screams at the top of her lungs and Harry's eyes widen and he can't breathe, he wants to throw up at the moment. It happens so fast and Harry can't find the person.

The one he loves, is dying in his arms at the edge of the death. The pain inside his heart is unbearable, and he's barely holding on.

The Alpha feels like life is fading away from his soul. He can't hear anything and his sight becomes blur. Aside from that, Sophia can't stop crying and her hands can't stop shaking.

"Why baby? Why you are saving me? This arrow wasn't for you. It was supposed to hit me. You can't leave me Louis. I want to have a family with you, I want you to be the mother of my pups, I want you to love me like the way I love you." Harry says to the Omega as he realizes everything.
But Louis does not say anything back, and the blue eyes are hidden from the world maybe forever.

The curly haired Alpha hates himself even more. His selfless Omega just saved him from the death, even after what Harry did to him. The Alpha was being so cruel towards him, did unforgiven things to him. But here, for the second time, Louis saves him again.

I'm not sure if I can forgive you after this Harry. North whispers honestly.

I can't forgive myself too. Don't worry you are not the only one who hates me.

I don't hate you. I'll never can hate you. You are my other half. It's just I'm disappointed just like everyone else. They are never expecting his own Alpha to reject his mate.


"Y-you have to take the arrow out carefully or he will bleed even more." Sophia says.

Harry nods and takes the arrow out from Louis' flesh. The blood bursts suddenly, making a horrific sight.

"Oh my God. Soph-" Harry cries in panic and he's still shaking at the sight in front of him. He thinks that Louis might not going to make it.

Sophia has tears on her face but he needs his Alpha to stay strong for his mate, "Harry you have to stay strong. He's going to be okay. Stay calm Alpha. Louis is a strong person and I'm sure he won't leave you. He's special remember? He's going to heal soon. His wolf will help him too."

But still, Harry does not know how to do that, he feels like he's in the darkness without no light. The strength is all gone at the moment. The wound supposedly to heal, for the wolf's natural instinct to heal himself. But it does not heal at any time. Making Sophia frowns.

"H-harry, we are losing him. His wolf is too weak to heal him. It looks like he does not want to wake up." Sophia says weakly. Her face is pale, out of life and light.

"No no no! You have to wake up Louis. I promise baby, I won't let you down. I'm going to protect you, anywhere and anytime. I'm going to show you how much I love you. I'm going to save you and make you happy. I promise baby. I will never let you go. Please darling forgive me for everything. I was not thinking. I was being full of myself and not thinking about my mate. But I want to be a better person. You make me want to be a better Alpha and a better mate, and I need you with me here. I can't do any of this without you. I love you my darling. I'm so sorry." Harry cries and hugs Louis to his chest as he's trying to stop the bleeding with his shirt.

The Alpha kisses his mate on all over his face. So softly, like he's scared the kisses might hurt Louis.

"Alpha, you have to mate him now or he will not going to make it."

Without thinking, the Alpha's teeth land on Louis' delicate skin and ripping the stream of veins on Louis' throat.

Then he hears soft yet weak heartbeats. But that's already enough for Harry, knowing that his mate is not leaving him. He hugs him tightly and never let him go.

This is not the best day, yet not the worst day, but today they learn lots of things and they believe that everything will be okay. The Alpha still has lots of questions about the attack and there are things that need to be taken care of, but he will think about this later because he gets his lover back in his arms, alive and perfect.

They both save each others and there is nothing more beautiful than that.

Author's Note
Thank you for the votes and comments on the last chapters, here is another chapter of Regret. I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language but I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment, and let me know what you think! xx

Love always,

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