The Storm, We Get Scared

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Louis needs more sleep after talking for hours with his Alpha. The Omega can't believe that he has Harry as his mate, now loving mate. He can't be more grateful than this. Harry is so sweet, caring and loving towards him. But sometimes, Louis thinks that he might leave him. He's scared that maybe this is all only a dream. He does not want to wake up to find that he has to go back to his old miserable life.

You should stop thinking like this Louis. He loves us. North reminds him.

I'm not used with this Alaska, what if he'll get tired with me and he decides to leave? Or kick me out from this Pack?

I know the past hurt us more than anything, but we deserve this Lou. You deserve this. For once, you finally have the chance to be happy, and I don't want anything but you to accept this. Accept our new kind of life. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you.

Louis is too tired to answer as he falls asleep on the soft bed.


Louis wakes up at the dawn, as he's still tangled up with Harry. They both slept peacefully together, and their wolves are pure in happiness with being so close like this. He likes the feeling of being skin on skin with Harry, such an euphoria.

Louis sighs sadly at the thought of going to school. But after a hard week, he feels so much better. The wound on his back isn't that hurt anymore, and that means he has to go to school.

Harry is slowly waking up and he smiles sheepishly. He wants to wake up like this for the rest of his life, such a beautiful view to wake up to those big blue eyes that he loves the most. "Good morning baby."

Louis blushes and pecks Harry's cheeks slightly. "Good morning Alpha."

"Babe, I think you need to stop calling me 'Alpha', I'm your mate you know, you can call me by my name or nicknames." Harry winks and Louis just laughs.

"Alright then I'll call you..." Louis puts a serious thinking face. Making Harry grin more waiting for his answer.

"...Frog face!" Louis giggles and Harry just pouts cutely.

"Hey that's not fair!" The Alpha whines like a little kid.

"What? You have a frog face Harry." Louis giggles even more, making Harry's heart beat rapidly.

"No! I have a pretty face, not a frog face." Harry whines.

"Alright then pretty face, we have to go to school remember?" Louis grins and pokes his mate's cheeks.

"I love you my Luna." Harry steals a kiss making Louis blush madly.

"I love you too my Alpha." The Omega kisses him back.


They both get ready for school, with Louis in Harry's lavender sweater. The Alpha wants his mate to smell like him. It's quite adorable actually.

As they walk on the hall, hand on hand, people keep staring at them and some of them bow at the Alpha and his Luna. Louis kinda feels like he is out of place, he is used with being invisible but now all attentions are for him. His body shivers, and Harry wraps his arm on Louis' shoulder. The Alpha kisses his temple and says, "Don't worry darling. Everything is going to be okay." He says comfortingly.

Louis just smiles nervously at him. The Alpha glances to the crowd and finds Liam on the corner. The Beta wears a serious look and Harry knows there is something going on.

"Luna." Liam bows his head to Louis. "Harry, there is something wrong with Melissa. She is sick and her bond is slightly breaking. I think there is something happening to Niall. He has not come back yet, and Melissa keeps whimpering in pain. Even Niall did not leave her a message." Harry nods at him.

"Is he getting hurt?" Louis asks worriedly.

"I don't know Luna. We are going to figure it out." Liam answers.

He wonders where is Niall, it's been a week since the last time Louis saw him at school. He does not want his mate to get more frustrated and exhausted. The Omega knows that they are currently looking for the shooter.

"What is he doing out there?" Harry talks to himself as he looks outside to the woods.

"I think this is related to our Luna." Liam drops the bomb, making Luna frowns. Harry shivers in fear.


"He left after he heard the news that Alpha was rejecting you, Luna."


Louis mind travels wildly, he can't stop thinking about Niall. The Omega does not want him or anyone to get hurt, especially because of him. He needs to find out by himself.

"Hey darling, don't worry. He's going to be okay, and I'm so amazed the way you care so much about this pack." Harry says sweetly and he kisses his mate's forehead. They are now currently at the Canteen.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt, especially because of me Harry." Louis replies sadly.

"We are going to find him. Don't worry, now relax baby. I don't want you to get stressed. You still haven't fully healthy baby. You need to rest more. Stop thinking too much okay. I love you."

"I love you too." Louis nods. He needs to find Melissa.


After school, Harry and Louis are cuddling on their soft bed. Talking about everything and getting to know each others. Aside from the madness and conflicts, they both crave each others to calm their own selves.

Harry finds himself staring at the new necklace hanging on The Omega's neck. "Where did you get it?"

"It's a gift from you. I found it yesterday on our bedside table. How can you forget about it. It's beautiful thank you Harry." Louis smiles.

"I did not give you that." Harry says tightly. He gulps nervously.

"What? It said Hope you like it my Luna. Wear it, right next to your heartbeat. It is the place where I should be. Love always, Harry."

"I swear darling I did not give you that necklace."

Author's Note
So sorry for the cliffhanger! But hope you guys like it the new chapter of Regret. I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language, but I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment, and let me know what you think xx

All the best,

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