The Last Words, We Don't Say

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Before the sun falls out of sight, Alpha Harry needs to find the answer of his mate. His mind is wondering wildly at the thought of Louis. He goes to the Pack's house to meet Ian, a loyal Beta to his father and he's like Harry's uncle. He hopes that Ian won't kill him because he is rejecting his mate.

He knocks the old wood door softly. "Ian? It's me Harry."

The door opens and Ian says, "I know that you are going to come here."

"I need to know everything about my mate Ian. He's... important to me." Harry sighs sadly as he sits down on the leather sofa.

"Too important for you so you just rejected him?" Ian smiles lightly.

Harry's heartaches. "I wasn't thinking."

"You make his parents mad Harry, and this isn't good." Ian says lowly.

Harry is confused at the moment, like how can the news spread so fast? The Royals is far from this place.

"Niall." Harry realizes. Ian nods like he can read Harry's mind.

After a long moment, Harry says. "But I don't understand why he lives with us? In this pack? While he can have a better life with his family? He wants to die Ian. He told me that he wants to die." Harry almost tearing up. North hates thinking about Louis might kill himself.

"16 years ago, The Royals got attacked by the hunters and they wanted Louis. His mother, Johanna thought that this place could protect him from the hunters. She sent him to the Orphanage, near the river so that Louis won't ask about their parents. But the kids were not that friendly to Louis. I heard that they hurt him because he's actually a Royal. One night, Louis ran away from the Orphanage and he lives alone in the woods until now. But Nick and his friends always beat him at school, in moments you will never know." Ian explains.

"He does not deserve this Ian. This rejection just making it worse. I'm a bad mate. He wants to break the bond Ian." Harry cries silently.

"The only thing that can solve any of this is to mate him Harry."


The omega lays down on the soft grass, staring at the blue sky. Thinking about everything from the smallest thing. He might wonder what it feels like to have children and to have a mate that loves him from the deepest part of his heart. It's only a dream, Louis keeps muttering. Because somehow fairy tale does not exist in his world. His prince charming does not even come. Thinking like this, makes him feel low and sad.

He stops thinking when Sophia lays down on the grass beside him. The school is already ended 10 minutes ago and he's waiting for Harry, so they can break the bond smoothly.

"Are you sure about this?" Sophia whispers.

"This is not the only thing that is right for me, but for the Alpha too."

"You are the strongest person Lou." Sophia has tears on her eyes.

"I'm not strong Soph, I'm just so used with all of these things," Louis says sadly.

He can feel Harry is near. He stands up from the ground and meets The Alpha who looks like he does not sleep for a week. Harry looks so exhausted and his eyes are red, he looks so pale.

"Thank you for coming Alpha." Louis bows politely.

"I don't want to break the bond." Louis feels everything crumbles.

The Alpha starts crying again. He pleads for not breaking the bond. Louis takes a deep breath before he speaks, "But Alpha, you promised me."

"I want to protect you, to save you, take care of you and I want to..... love you. Please." The Alpha says softly.

"Alpha can't save me." The Omega looks right to the green eyes in front of him.


"Because I'm a damaged. Alpha can't save something that has been shattered. Louis isn't good for Alpha. Alpha doesn't know what Alpha want. Before Alpha knew about this, Alpha didn't even want me. Then why Alpha changed mind?" Louis says honestly and his wolf just stays quite hopelessly.

"Because... I-" Harry does not know how to start with this.

"Alpha, please just let me go. It's easier for Alpha. Alpha will have a beautiful life with or without me."

"I can't. I want to love you. I want to hold you in my arms forever. I need you in my life." Harry cries harder and the sound of it feels like knives stabbing on Louis' heart.

"Alpha, you don't need me. It's just the mate bond. Without any of this, you wouldn't look me in the eyes or even talk to me." Louis says honestly. Because it's true. He wipes the tears on his Alpha's cheeks softly and so gently.

Harry holds his hands on his cheeks. He loves the feeling of his mate touching him. "Please, I want to show you how much I love you. I'm sorry for hurting you."

Sophia is watching them with tears all over her face. This sight is so heartbreaking. She wishes that this would not happen to the Alpha or The Omega. They both deserve better. They deserve to have a strong bond. Not like this, almost at the end to break forever.

"Alpha does not deserve me! Alpha deserve better okay! Look at me! I'm weak and I can't do anything about it! Just please let me die okay!" Louis bursts in cries and he sobs in his hands. He can't do this anymore.

"No! No! You can't die! I won't let you do that!" Harry hugs his mate close to his heart and breathes deeply at the smell of him.

But Louis sees something from the Alpha's shoulder that distracts him from his mate. He's turning them both so Louis' back is facing the trees, as soon as the Omega realizes that there is someone who holds a bow and arrow pointing at them. An arrow for Harry.

Louis closes his eyes and he stops listening to his Alpha's cries, as he feels the pain straight through his heart. He smiles lightly to the sky because he finally gets what he wants and he just saves his Alpha from the death for his own death.

Aside from the pain, it feels slightly better to die in his mate's arms.

Author's Note
Hello everyone! Hope you guys have a great weekend. My mother is having her birthday today. Here is another chapter of Regret. This has lots of angst and I'm sorry but I promise to have a happy ending :) Also, I apologize for the grammar mistakes because English isn't my first language but I'm still trying for the best. Please vote and comment, let me know what you think! xx

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