You, Heaven On Earth

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[Warning: Talking about Male Pregnancy.]

Louis wakes up from his peaceful sleep and he blinks his eyes slowly. The Omega smiles sweetly as he turns to his sleeping mate that he loves the most. Harry's grip is tight around Louis, like he never wants to let him go, but the Omega really needs to go to the toilet.

He wiggles around his mate, trying to get up. But Harry only grips tighter.

"Harry? Love, I need to go to the toilet." Louis whispers, gently tapping Harry's cheeks.

"No." Harry whines cutely and nuzzles his face to his Omega's neck.

"Alright then no kisses for you." Louis says jokingly.

Then Harry wakes up suddenly. "I'm up! I'm up!"

Louis giggles and he kisses his mate passionately, kinda forgetting his need to pee. He pulls back and runs to the bathroom without looking back to his mate.

As he comes out from the bathroom, Harry hugs him tightly. The Alpha loves to smell his Omega. He smells so sweet and so addicting. Like a drug for Harry.

"Good morning my love." Harry says lovingly to his mate. Louis giggles and smiles so beautifully in reply.

"Good morning my Alpha." Louis greets him.

Harry leaves kisses all over Louis' face, making the smaller guy blushes and laughing like mad. "Harry that tickles!"

Harry is so deep in love with his mate, hearing his laugh already making his knees feel weak. "You are so adorable. So pretty. So perfect. Can't believe that you are mine." He munches his boyfriend's flesh.

"Thank you Harry, but I'm not perfect." Louis blushes.

"Baby, you are perfect to me. Always mine right? Always mine." Louis smiles as Harry gets possessive. The Omega feels so loved.

"Yes Harry, I'm yours forever." He smiles brightly as Harry looks at him in awe.

Then Harry drops the bomb, "What do you think about having a baby?" He says giddily as he touches Louis' tummy.

Louis places his hand on top of Harry's, "Of course I'd love to have your babies, but Alpha we still have lots of things to be taken care. It's not safe for our babies."

Harry nods in agreement and says, "You are right, we need to find the perfect time to have babies. I can't wait to see you glowing with my child. You are going to look even more beautiful. Oh my God, I'm a lucky man." Harry complementing himself, making Louis laughs.

"And I'm sure you are going to be a great father to our babies. Thank you for understanding me. But if it happens sooner than we thought, I would not complain about it, because having babies with you is one of my dreams."

"Honey, I will always put you and our future children at my first priority. I'd do anything to protect you and to make you happy." Harry says seriously.

Louis grabs Harry's face and kisses him deeply.


After a long session in the shower, the couple is cuddling together. Harry can't stop kissing his Omega that he loves more than anything in this world. "Do you want to go out today?" Harry asks.

Louis looks up to him and answers, "Yes I'd like to go to forest, but before we go there I need to go to the Meadow."

"Why we have to go to the meadow baby?" Harry frowns slightly.

"I'm looking for something. You will find out later." Louis says convincingly. He is still investigating the shooter. He needs to find out, or it will be too late.

"Okay baby."


They are now walking hand in hand and sometimes Harry puts his arm around his Omega's shoulder to keep him warm.

"Baby?" Harry starts.

"Yes Alpha?" Louis smiles.

Harry wants to kiss him again as he sees the beautiful smile of Louis. "I wonder what were you thinking when you found out that you are part of Hunter and part of Wolf?"

Louis replies, "There were lots of things that swimming inside my mind that time. When my mother told me about it, I was so happy. So happy Harry you have no idea. Finally after all of this time, I met my biological mother. I thought I was unwanted-" Harry flinches at it.


"No Harry, you don't get it. I had been living my whole life in an orphan, I thought my life was really terrible like I just wanted to die and I was so sure that no one really cared about me if I died. But then, after I found out my family and I have you as my mate, I feel so lucky to be alive in this world. So lucky to have you in my life. Being half Hunter and half Wolf isn't making me to feel arrogant. It makes me feel like I'm different and I'm so lucky to be different. But sometimes-" Louis stops and smiles sadly.

Harry frowns, "What is it sweetie?"

"Sometimes I feel like I'm actually the forbidden child. I have two different bloods flowing through my veins. Hunter and Wolves are never becoming friends Harry. Except inside the Royals, my mother is a Hunter and my father is a Wolf, and I realize that love is stronger than anything. I'm just afraid that someone might take you away from me."

Harry hugs his Omega tightly, "Darling listen to me, no one can stop us now. You and me, we are one and nothing can break us apart. I don't care if you have the Hunter blood, you are still the Louis that I fell in love with. I'm still in love with you and you are my mate."

"Thank you Harry. Thank you for loving me. I love you too, so much." Louis starts crying silently and he wipes the tears with his dainty hands.

Harry hugs him tighter. "Loving you is the best decision in my life."


They arrive at the Meadow near evening, when the sky is already turning orange. Louis loves the landscape in front of him, such gorgeous sight. But Louis has to be quick this time, to find clues that might lead him to the shooter.

Louis walks around to the place where the arrow came and Harry is following behind. The smell is already normal now, but with his ability as a Hunter, he can tell that the shooter is not a Wolf.

He steps on something and he finds a gold band on the grass. Louis takes it and stares at him carefully, observing the object, it seems familiar to him.

"Love, what is that?" Harry asks as he gets closer to Louis.

Louis knows. "This belongs to the Hunter. I have a band like that and my name was written on it with Hunter's writing. But this one belongs to- Oh my God." Louis gasps as he reads the name that is written on that band.

"That band belongs to who baby?" Harry's heart feels like jumping.


Author's Note
So sorry for the hiatus on this story. But here is the new chapter :) I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language but I'll edit this later. Hope you guys like it please vote, comment, and let me know what you think! All the love x

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