Right Now, Most Alive

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"Good morning my love." Louis speaks softly to his 3 years old son. Carter is currently sleeping but it's almost 9 am in the morning and mummy Louis needs to go to the grocery store to buy ingredients for making food in the evening. And of course Louis needs his son to accompany him.

Carter is such a sweetheart and he is surely a mummy boy. He loves his parents so much but he loves his mummy the most. He is kinda shy and he loves being cuddled. Carter is kind and sweet to everyone! He is 3 years old but he is still obsessed with his mummy's milk.

Louis keeps kissing his son's face lovingly. He can't help but obsessed with his own son, because Carter is so so cute and adorable and he is just perfect. "Mummy. No." Carter says sleepily while his eyes still close.

"Wake up darling. Mummy and daddy miss you so much!" Louis giggles and tries to tickle his sleepy son.

"Food mummy.." Carter mumbles. Louis laughs because of course the first thing he will ask in the morning is food. He's so happy because his baby loves to eat.

"I know my love, daddy is cooking your pancakes! You love pancakes right?!" Louis cheers and suddenly, Carter wakes up wide awake. Louis giggles at his antics.

"Yaaay!!" Carter jumps happily and then he is now inside his mummy's arms. He lays his head on Louis' shoulder and just playing with his mummy's shirt.

In the kitchen, Harry is serving the plates with pancakes and fresh bananas strawberry topping. It looks so delicious. Then he hears his little baby's laugh. Harry smiles.

"Dadadadada!" Carter giggles. "Good morning darling!!" He kisses his son and his wife.

"What time Liam and our pack's friends will be here? Niall is coming right?" Louis asks Harry as he goes to their cupboard to grab some napkins.

"7pm love. Yes Melissa will be here too." Harry smiles slightly.

"Great! After this I'm going to take a bath with Carter and then go to grocery shopping. What should I cook for today?" After finishing with the napkins, he prepares the glasses with fresh orange juices.

"It's up to you sweetheart, I love all of your food. They are absolutely the best. Couldn't ask for a better wife though. You are perfect." Louis blushes and kisses Harry on the lips.

"I love you Harry." Louis smiles lovingly. Carter wants his pancakes so badly but mummy still haven't cut his pancakes and he can't wait any longer.

"I love you too Louis-"

"Mummy, no kisses, food for me please." Carter whines cutely.

"Whoops so sorry baby! Here Dada will cut your pancakes okay?" Harry giggles. Carter smiles and kisses his father on the cheek.

"Thank you." Carter replies sweetly.

"You are very welcome baby boy." Louis smiles lovingly to his little son.


It's been 3 years after Harry almost get killed. But everything seems so perfect now. He is now in a good friendship with Liam, the godfather of Carter. Liam heals perfectly as he is now mated to a beautiful girl named Cheryl. He forgives Harry and his family. Now he is a loyal beta to his Alpha.

They are all in the dining room, with candles and delicious food made by Louis. Smiling and laughing to each others, telling funny stories and being nostalgic, are the evening atmospheres.

He sees his son sitting cutely on Liam's lap as Liam is rocking back and forth. He knows that his friend, Liam has a thing for taking care of children.

"Harry, what you are thinking about?" Louis asks his husband.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy now." Harry smiles beautifully and everyone in the room cooing.

"We've been through lots of things, now we are here and everything is worth it." Sophia says from her chair with watery eyes.

"Yes everything is worth it now." Liam replies.

"I can say that rejection is not making us weak but making us strong. In love and friendship. In mind and soul. But especially in our heart. It's not only between mates, but rejection can happen in moments that we don't know yet. But I want you all remember that never give up on anything you've been doing in this life. Because that is the point, to keep on breathing no matter how much it hurts." Louis speaks to his friends and family.

"And another important thing, we have to forgive. Don't keep the hate, forgive and letting it go in the past is one of the things to survive any problems that you have. We are all need it, we forgive and then we love." Liam says to everyone.

"Let's cheer for us." Harry says as he raises his glass of wine.

"For us." Everyone replies.

Harry will always remember that life will keep on moving and time will heal. The most important thing is you don't have to regret all the mistakes in life but to forgive yourself and make your mistakes as reminders not to do the same thing over and over again.

And yes Carter is a miracle.


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