I Was Red, You Make Me Blue

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Harry's grip on Johanna's neck is no longer there. Instead, only silence drowning in this room. Louis is so mad, and he can't think straight. He can't believe Harry, for the things he said to him and did to his mother. He can't forgive him.

"Louis-" Harry says weakly. His face is wet with the stream tears.

"Don't. Harry just don't say anything. Get the hell out of here. I don't want to see you. Get out, I don't want you here. You make me sick. I thought you were a good person, a good Alpha but here we have, an Alpha that lost his mind, called his own mate a slut without knowing the right thing, almost killed his mate's mother, lied to his mate, oh and I almost forget, an Alpha that rejected his mate." Louis says bitterly in front of Harry, only inches between them. He's fuming.

"Louis I'm sorry. I did not know what was happening to me. I'm sorry for hurting you. Please Louis. I did not mean to hurt your mother- I did not recognize her as Queen Johanna. Because she smells like Hunters-" Harry drops into his knees and hugs Louis' torso tightly.

"Because she is a Hunter and so am I!" Louis says.


"I'm half Wolf and half Hunter, Harry." Louis is too tired to shout another rising voices.


"No Harry, please not tonight, just leave this place okay. I don't want to see you right now. I'm tired okay, please just go home." Louis pleads.

"You aren't coming home?" Harry asks sadly, he keeps crying softly.

Home. Louis almost flinches at it. The Pack's house feels no longer like home. He rather to stay here with his mother for a while. He can't stand Harry at the moment.

Louis just shakes his head and says, "I'm going to stay here for a while."

Harry keeps crying. "Please come home. I'm sorry Louis. I'm a bad mate for you."

"You are not a bad mate, you just were not thinking, making mistakes. I can't believe you said all of those things to me. Do you know how much it hurt me?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was not thinking. I was so scared, hell I'm still so scared to lose you. I don't want you to leave me." Harry whimpers in pain.

"You know everything about me- You know about my family after all of these times. Why you did not tell me? Why you told me that my family did not want me? Why Harry?! Why! You almost killed my hopes okay! Now tell me! Explain me why you said all of it? I'm sorry butI needed to find out about who I am Harry. This is not all about you!" His shoulder slumps after that. He's gasping for air. His face is red.

Harry hangs his head low, "It's just I'm scared that they are going to take you from me! Especially after the Rejection. That's why I told you about it! I don't want you to leave me! I want you here with me all the time. Grow old and have a family with you. I'm scared. I don't want you to not being with me. You are my mate, and I know that I don't deserve to be your mate. But I love you so much. You are everything for me. I can't live without you love."

Louis cries lightly and he wipes the tears quickly, "I know that you love me and I love you too, but I can't handle this Harry, not now. I need a moment for myself. I love you, but I can't be with you right now. Maybe when I can understand all of these things that I believe they happened to me for reasons. Because somehow I feel like life is not working for me. I need to shape my life, you need to shape your life too. I think we need space for ourselves. I love you Harry, I'll come home when you can think before you act or say words."

Louis walks to the kitchen to leave them, he glances to Harry for the last time. He needs a moment for himself.

He hears Liam says softly to Harry. "I'm sorry Alpha, I think it's better for us to come home."

"Louis, remember I will always love you." Harry yells.

I love you too.


It's been a week since the first time Louis met his mother. Today he is going to meet his father. He can't hardly wait for him. His mother tells him every time that his father, The Alpha is really powerful and loyal, yet he's so kind and loving.

Also He misses Harry so much but sometimes Alaska talks to North in his sleep, and comforts each others. He's sure that Harry will feel better with Alaska. Because Louis just wants to get his mind off from Harry. But he will always take care of his Alpha, make sure that he is alright without Louis being there.

He meets his father at the dawn, when the sun is slowly painting the morning sky. He's very caring and loving, he hugs his son for about 10 minutes, and apologizes for the past. The Omega's parents promise to take care of his son, from now and forever.

After hours of cuddling and being together as a family, Louis meets Niall and talks to him.

"I'm so happy for you Lou." Niall smiles warmly at him.

"Thank you so much Niall. I would not be here without you." Replies Louis with a big smile.

"You are my cousin Louis, I promise to your parents to always take care and protect you."

"Thank you once again, for everything." Louis hugs him for a moment.

Niall's smile starts to fade away as he has frowns on his face. "Luna, the reason why I gave informations to you by using secret codes, is because I think there is someone that wants to harm you and your mate."

Louis gulps. "W-who?"

"I don't know who they are but I think it's the same person with the one that shot an arrow that went to your back. Which it looked like it was supposed to hit Harry." Niall explains.

"Keep an eye for new informations Niall. I'm going to investigate this, before anyone gets harmed, and make sure that Harry is safe."

"I will Luna, but I have a feeling that they are insiders. Remember don't trust anyone."

Author's Note
So much angst I'm so sorry but this has to be that way (for clues). Guess who is the shooter? And I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language but I'll edit this later. Thank you for reading please vote, comment and let me know what you think XX

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