I Feel Like Spinning, No Walls To Get Hold

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Louis freezes while everyone gasps. "I'm sorry Ma'am but I'm looking for Niall. Is he here?" The Omega asks nervously, ignoring the woman's question.

The woman just lets them come in through the house. It feels kinda different than the scenery of wooden walls and wooden everything, back there at their Pack's house. The house is modern, with bohemian kinda look with bright colors but the furnitures are simple and practical. Louis likes being here, the atmosphere is really warm and it's kinda strange that he feels like he belongs to this place.

Maybe he's in the right place. He still isn't sure about who the woman is. The Omega never meets her before but it seems like she knows everything about him. This place is far from his imagination of a scary house that belongs to the Hunters.

They all hear foot steps coming from the other side of the room. Niall walks in black sweatpants and white sweater, making everyone won't stop looking at him. "Hey guys-" Niall starts.

"What the hell is this Niall?! We thought you were kidnapped! Melissa felt like you were in a danger." Olly soars.

"I'm sorry. I have to leave the Pack. I have lots of things to do here." Niall explains as he sits on the leather couch, facing the Wolves.

"I gave her a signal, which was actually for the Luna." Niall turns directly to Louis.

"Beta Niall? Can you please explain everything? I'm here now. I know that you want me to come here." Louis says softly.

Niall smiles warmly at him. "Luna, there is lots of things that you don't know about yourself."

Louis nods his head nervously. Niall calls, "Johanna!" Then the middle aged woman comes to the room with necklace that matches with Louis'.

"But I'm sure Harry already told you right? About your family?"

Louis feels his heart sinks at this. How can his own mate hide things from him? Aren't soul mate should be trusting each others? Harry knows about him but he does not tell him. Why?

"No. He told me that my family did not want me."

"What?" Niall frowns.

"Why he hides it from me?" Louis feels a tear slowly coming from his eye.

"Luna-" Sophia starts but Louis cries already.

"Why he isn't telling me?! He told me that he trusts me?! But why he is hiding things from me?! Why he does not want me to know about my family?!" Louis rises his voice.

Everyone just stays quite and staring at him sadly. Louis cries a little bit more, because Harry does not trust him.

"You should have just break the bond Sophia." Louis says weekly to her.

"Oh Luna, please don't say things like that." Sophia near in tears, just like Niall.

"He did not want me from the start, now I feel like this mating bond with him is only a lie." Louis says bitterly. He has enough.

"Darling, the Goddess never lies." The woman says softly and she has a pain expression on her face. Louis just cries quietly on his hands.


"Niall, why you aren't coming back?" Olly says.

"This is my home Olly. This is where I belong." Niall smiles.

"What do you mean?" One of the Betas asks confusedly.

"Well my biological parents are dead when I was born, there was a couple of young man and woman that wanted a son. They adopted me. They have the Hunters' blood in their veins but they accepted me as a Wolf."

"And this woman right here, is Johanna. She is my aunt. She has the Hunters' blood too, just like my adopted parents." Niall says.

Johanna smiles to everyone, while Louis feels a little bit guilty. "I'm so sorry for being so rude to you back there, Ma'am."

"Darling, you don't have to apologize." She says warmly as she keeps staring at The Omega's face. Her face turns red.

"I remember my son, he has big beautiful blue eyes from his grandmother. The deep blue sea color that reminds you about the ocean and the clear sky. You won't get bored to look at his eyes. He has this pointy nose that he got from his father and his beautiful lips that he got from his mother. He's so beautiful, my precious gift. My whole world. I love him more than anyone could know. His father is an Alpha and his mother is a Hunter. Different world and like enemies to each others' clan but love each others and decided to have a baby. We love him so much that we had to protect him from the cruel world. I sent him to an Orphanage far away from where we live 18 years ago. I wish that he could forgive us, for what we did to him."
Johanna has tears all over her eyes and everyone is crying. Especially Louis.

"Mother?" Louis chokes a sob.

Johanna jumps from her seat and hugs her son tightly. "Baby. My baby boy. I'm so sorry darling." So tight that they both don't want to let go. Holding on each others like a lifeline. Niall is smiling with wet eyes. "Thank you." Louis mouths to Niall and the Beta nods.


Johanna explains more things to her son. She tells Louis, that his father is a Royal and he can't come here because there is a thing that needs to be taken care off. She is the one who gave Louis the necklace.

"I told your mother about you that day when you got rejected and we agreed it's time to let you know the truth. They were mad at the moment and wanted to take you. But they forgave Harry when he mated with you. Your mother is a Hunter. That's why I wrote you a code in Hunters' word. Because I knew that you could read it, and I'm sure that you could read the sign on the windows too. You are part of Wolf and part of Hunter. That's why you are so special." Niall explains. Louis just blushes. He feels so good right now, he feels like he wants to live for the rest of his life. He feels happy, so happy in the arms of his mother.

He's currently laying on the couch with his mother. Johanna locks the heart necklace on her and his son's neck.

"I love you mother." He kisses her on the cheeks.

"I love you most my angel." Johanna replies.

But suddenly, there is an attack coming outside from the house and he finds Harry with anger all over his face in front of the door, with Liam and 10 other Wolves.

One glance makes Harry runs to his mate who is currently laying down on the couch with a woman. The Alpha's hands tighten around Johanna's neck, making Louis scream at the top of his lungs.

"Harry! Stop! Stop! Let her go! Harry! Stop!" Louis tries to let his hand off from his mother's neck.

"Shut up Louis! She is a Hunter! You are cheating on me! You are a slut!" Harry roars. All the Wolves that come with Louis trying so hard to push Harry off them. To stop Harry from choking Johanna to the death.

"She is my mother Harry!" Louis screams, his face is red, and then he slaps his mate's face so hard that it stops Harry.

Author's Note
New chapter! The last chapter got deleted by the web and I have to repost it. So sorry about it. But here hope you enjoy another chapter of Regret. I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language and I'll edit this later. Please vote, comment and let me know what you think XX

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