With Nothing, But Kindness

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The bell rings, timing it is for lunch break. The Alpha meets his friends and they all walk to the canteen. Harry stays quite and stares at his hands. His mind is still hazy and it's a bit blurry. He needs to stay focus for the pack and especially for his mate.

"Harry, what's going on? And where's your mate? Did you find her?" Niall asks him with a hopeful smile.

Harry's heart aches at the thought of finding Louis, but he knows that he can't lie to his beta and his friends. "I rejected my mate." Harry says just above a whisper after a long moment.

The table goes quite and everyone is looking at Harry like he's just lost his mind. "W-what?"

North just whimpering and whines in pain. "Harry have you lost your mind?!" Liam roars. His face full with anger. Harry just ducks his head down.

"Liam be nice to the Alpha!" Another pack's member whispers.

"I don't care if he's my Alpha or not, this is unacceptable! How could you do that Harry?!" Liam is slamming his hand on the table making the whole canteen turns quite. He points his finger to Harry and staring deeply to the green eyed Alpha. "Rejection is forbidden! But you! You did that! The Alpha of the pack is rejecting his own mate! How can you be a good example for your pack?! You don't deserve to be an alpha!"

"My mate is a male and I'm not even gay Liam! He's weak and he barely lives!" Harry says desperately.

Liam shakes his head in disappointment. "I thought you were a good person, Harry. You are selfish and you are arrogant. I regret to follow you and trust you to rule this pack, and don't tell me because you have your father's blood."

Then the Beta leaves the canteen, without saying any words. Harry feels his soul is shattering, this is making everything getting worse. Liam is right, rejecting a mate is something which unforgiven, and anyone in the pack is forbidden to do a rejection. But here, Harry, The Alpha of the pack is rejecting his own mate.

"Who is your mate Harry?" Niall says softly as he stares to the Alpha's eyes.

"Louis Tomlinson."

Everyone gasps and starts talking again. "Oh no, please tell me you didn't reject him." Niall's face goes blue and his eyes widen in fear.

"What's going on Niall?!" Harry rises his voice. But Niall just shakes his head and says "I have to go." He runs to the woods and he's already out of the sight.


Harry feels like he might explode in a moment. Everything gets crazier from Liam to Niall and the whole pack is disappointed. He wonders how does Niall know Louis? Or even why Niall seems so worried? What's going on?

"Someone please tell me what happened to Niall?" Harry asks to everyone on the table.

But they just stay calm even though their faces are pale. Harry can sense their fear, making The Alpha frown. He has no clue about everything that is happening right now. Especially with Niall.

"Answer me!" Harry can't stand it anymore.

"Alpha, your mate is special." Josh says, one of Harry's closest friends.

"H-how?" The Alpha stutters and his heart beats loudly.

"He has the Royals' blood in his vein."
Harry almost faints and North screams loudly.


Louis just walking around the woods after he went to meet Sophia. He loves the fresh air and the smell of nature. He smiles softly as he enjoys the cold weather. Outside from the madness in his life, he's always enjoying time like this. When he can be alone without feeling scared, because he knows that the nature won't hurt him.

He finds a little bunny and Louis smiles wider. "Hi little bunny. Why are you alone?" He takes the bunny and strokes its fur so lovingly.

"Don't worry I'm alone too. Nothing can hurt us bunny." He speaks sweetly to the bunny.

Louis continues his journey with bunny in his arms. "How are you bunny? Hope you feel alright. I'm not feeling well at the moment. Just my life doesn't work like everyone else's. I always wonder why am I like this. Even my mate doesn't want me Bunny." Louis sighs sadly.

"At the end everyone leaves, I just hope you won't leave me." He hugs the bunny closer. He's trying to warm the cute little bunny.

After talking to the bunny, Louis doesn't realize that he's currently passing by Harry's cabin room. His cabin is apart from the pack's house.

Louis stops his steps when he hears a loud slap sound. His eyes widen in shock as he sees The Alpha's father slapping Harry's cheek hardly. They look like they are fighting. But Harry just hangs his head low while his father seems like he's gone mad with anger.

Alaska cries softly at the thought of his mate getting hurt. Louis isn't really wanting to meet his mate after everything. The pain might starts like hell again and his wolf might dies mentally if he got closer to him. But he can't stand to see the sight in front of him, inside the glass cabin house.

His mate is getting beaten by his own father. He runs to the Alpha's cabin before the third slap lands on his mate's cheek.

"Stop!" Louis says without thinking. Making both men turn to him. "I'm sorry for yelling but Alpha Des you are hurting him." Louis says desperately to Harry's father.

"Who are you?!" Alpha Des roars.

"He's my m-" Harry replies but he gets cut off by Louis. "I'm nobody. But Alpha Des, Alpha Harry is a good person-"

"A good person?! He rejected his mate which it is a terrible and unforgiven crime in our pack!" Louis sighs.

"When he made a bad mistake it doesn't mean that he's a bad person. It's just a wrong decision not a bad person, and I'm sure that Alpha Harry has his own reasons to reject his mate. And also I'm sure that he's thinking about it carefully before he rejects his mate. I know that rejection is a terrible crime but with hitting him, it's just making Alpha Des become a terrible father. Alpha Des should listen to him and tell him calmly. I'm sure that Alpha will understand. I'm sorry for being impolite but I will do what I have to do, and for me this is the right thing to do."

Harry's father leaves them in speechless. Louis knows that he's in a big trouble after that, but being a reject or not, he still hates to see someone getting hurt especially his mate.

He glances to Harry and he sees his green eyes are wet and red with tears. "Thank you." The Alpha says brokenly.

"It's okay Alpha." Louis replies. He takes a look on his arm and it's bleeding. Without thinking anymore, he walks to the sink and takes water in a bowl with medicine to heal the wound. Harry just stays there being frozen. He's absolutely regretting the rejection. His mate is so lovely and caring.

Louis takes Harry's arm softly with gentleness and starts healing the wound. "Why you are so kind? Even after I rejected you?" Harry can't believe that this small omega is his mate. He hates himself for being so ungrateful but now he feels so lucky to have such an amazing person to be his mate.

"Even though Alpha rejected me, I will never return it with something cruel. I wouldn't want to hurt you back as a revenge. You are still my Alpha, and I will always take care of my Alpha like everyone else. With or without the bond, being a mate or not, mistakes or not, you are still a good person in my eyes."

Harry feels like he's in the right place with the right person and maybe home isn't a place but someone with blue eyes and heartbeats.

Author's Note
Hello everyone! How's your Friday? Here is another chapter of Regret. I apologize for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language but I'm still trying for the best. Please comment and vote and let me know what you think xx

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