Flesh And Blood, Deserve To Be Loved

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[Warning I have to repost this chapter because it got deleted]

The following afternoon, Louis needs to connect everything into one pieces. From the necklace to the clues that Niall gave for him. So many questions running through his mind, but he will solve it later.

Right now he just wants his mate. The Alpha is sitting on the balcony that is facing the beautiful lake. "Hello Alpha." Louis greets him.

The Omega wraps his arms on his mate's shoulder and kisses him on the lips. "Darling, I miss you so much." Harry says lovingly.

"I miss you too Harry. How are you?" Louis sits on Harry's lap. He leans to his Alpha's chest.

"Just watching the lake. I need to clear some things off my mind." Harry smiles tiredly.

"Love, you need to take a rest." Louis says worriedly.

"I can't..." The Alpha sighs.

"What's wrong handsome?" Louis says trying to make a smile on his mate's face. Harry smiles at the nickname.

"We still haven't found the shooter, Niall is still missing and you are in dangerous. I feel like I can't save you or anyone in this pack."

Louis' heart aches at this. He turns around and sits facing the green eyes. "Hey love, please don't think like that. You are more than enough for us. You are such an amazing Alpha. You are wonderful, and don't forget about it. You are strong and you have this power, and we know that you are always protecting us. I can't be more thankful for everything. To have you here with me." Louis says directly to Harry with so much passion and love.

The Alpha suddenly kisses him and hugs him tightly. They kiss and kiss until they can't breathe anymore. Giggles and laughs are the sound at that moment too. "I love you so much, my world. I can't believe I have you here in my arms and I get to call you mine." Harry says between the kisses. Louis just smiles sweetly to his mate.


When Harry falls asleep beside him on the bed, Louis starts working the case. Maybe he thinks this is the right way to help Harry, while the Pack is still looking for the shooter.

He's sure that Niall wants him to know where he is, but it does not make senses why he gave him the necklace that belongs to the hunters. Why he wants Louis to have it?

Maybe Niall isn't the one who gave it to you. Alaska says between the silence.

Maybe... or maybe not because the note on the necklace connected with Niall's code. Louis replies.

This is such a mystery to solve. We should find Niall now.


Louis decides to take his own path. With or without his mate. As he packs some stuffs for the trip to the city, Harry wakes up with a frown and his heart starts to rise at the thought that maybe Louis wants to runaway from here.

"Baby? Where are you going?" Harry asks as his eyes still in shock.

"I'm going to find Niall. I know where he is Alpha." Louis replies as he zips his bag.

"What?! Why you did not tell me about it?!" Harry roars, making Louis flinch at the voice.

Louis stops his movement. "Love, this is bigger than what you think and this is more important for me. I want to tell you but I realize that this is all about me, and you've been so frustrated these days, I don't want to upset you. I'll back tomorrow, I need to finish these things Harry. Niall wants me to come. Maybe this is about finding who I really am." Louis says bravely with a strong voice.

"Finding about yourself? Louis you know who you are. You are Louis William Tomlinson-"

"Maybe I don't. I just want to find some hopes, Harry. I want to find my family, or my ancestors if they are still alive. I don't care if I'm searching the answers that aren't exist. Because they left me some clues. Niall left me clues. I don't want to miss a single thing of it."

"Family? What kind of family? You came here because your family did not want you! You should be grateful that I am your mate!" Harry roars without thinking.

Louis flinches and just stays quite, and he feels the tears are starting to come out from his eyes. "I'm so sorry- Louis- I don't know what I just said- I'm so sorry love." Harry stutters and he's near in tears too.

"Leave me alone." Louis spats.

Louis is too tired. He leaves the room with his bag and his mate's voice roaring down the entire building. Louis hates Harry for doing it.

He's going to leave for the city, for Niall, and for his own good, with or without his mate. He knows that he's going to be alright with the help from Sophia and his 6 other Betas.


"Where is Harry? He isn't coming?" Sophia asks when they are all in a car.

"No." Louis answers tightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just better if he does not know a single thing about this." Louis says bitterly.

"Lou, he's just trying to protect you." Nick, one of his Betas, says.

"Protecting me from what? From his Beta? From the reality?! I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help okay. But I have this feeling, that this is not only about finding Niall." Louis rises his voice, making everyone goes quite.

"He just does not want you to get hurt."

"He should have known, that I'm already living with pain for my whole life." Louis finishes the short talk.


They have been driving for 3 hours from the Pack to the city. Louis holds Niall's photograph and the necklace.

The thing is, The Hunters are the enemies for The Wolves. Some of the Betas are bringing guns and knives with them. Louis is afraid with war or killing people, he just wants to find Niall, not trying to start a war. "Is it really necessary? With guns and knives?" Louis asks the Beta who wears coat that smell like pure human.

"Yes Luna, we need all of these things to protect you and everyone else. We are really thankful with the informations that you got for finding Niall. He's our friend too. But The Hunters are dangerous, and we need these to protect our lives if things end up bad, and this is Alpha Harry's order."

Louis wants to scoff at the name of Harry but he keeps it quite and says thank you for the Beta, Olly.

They arrive at the 6th Street, when the sun is almost out of sight.

"Prepare your guns, and hide them under your coats. We are heading out in 3... 2... 1."


The buildings on the 6th Street are look exactly the same with the ones from Niall's photograph. The colors are white and the windows are darker colors.

"The buildings are exactly the same to each others. How can-" Sophia asks.

"Wait." Louis finds something strange on one of the buildings. He finds a letter in words that he does not know, hanging in front of the window. It seems familiar with Niall's note from Melissa.

May The God Protect Us From The Devils Around Us. Alaska reads.

"This is the house." Louis informs everyone as he keeps looking to the building.

Sophia knocks the door slightly and rings the bell.

A few minutes later, there is a middle age woman coming from the inside with brown hair and blue eyes. The woman gasps when her curious eyes land on Louis.

"Oh my God. Louis? Is that really you darling?"

Author's Note
Hello everyone! Here is another chapter of Regret. Hope you guys like it. I apologize for the grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language but I'll edit this later. Please comment and vote and let me know what you think. Thank you for reading this XX

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