Broken Heart, Goodbye My Love

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Louis knows that everything has come to the end. After Harry leaves, he skips school and goes home. He doesn't want to meet the Alpha anymore, because he knows that everything won't work out between him and Harry. He doesn't belong to people like him, people who has power and everything. Like he's nothing, just skin and bones while Harry is everything. Harry deserves someone who is so much better than him. Someone who isn't suicidal and wanting to die. Someone who isn't weak and someone who loves their own selves.

The omega thinks it should be the right way to break the bond between him and Harry. So they don't belong to each others anymore. Louis can just end his life, without worrying that Harry might kill himself too.

He has no parents, nobody wants him since he was born. His biological mother left him in an orphanage. There weren't parents that wanted to adopt him. He has no one in this world. Except his mate, but his mate just like everybody else.

The omega knows someone that can help him to break the bond. But he needs Harry to be there too for breaking the bond. Tomorrow, he's going to meet Harry for the last time. He's smiling at the thought of sleeping peacefully forever. He wants to come home. He doesn't belong in here, he's unwanted and rejected by his own mate. But it doesn't hurt anymore, he accepts this, he doesn't blame anyone, because he thinks this is his own fault, for being himself.

... He will always love his Alpha, until the end of the line.


Harry feels blue after that. He shuts down his emotions and the life is fading away from his eyes. North stops talking and his trust to Harry, seems like drowning in the sea of disappointment. The Alpha won't blame him, he knows that he is such a bad mate to his omega. It's quite heartbreaking to think about his omega wants to kill his own self.

But how can he mate with someone who is already so broken. His beautiful eyes are no longer full of life. They are only a pair of lifeless eyes. There are no emotions or hope or even love burning from those beautiful blue eyes.

How can the omega serve his pack from being the pack's Luna? The people need someone who can not just rule the pack with the Alpha but also love and protect them.

It feels like everything is wrong and he doesn't know how to choose. He can't see Louis to rule the pack because his weakness and insecurity but at the same time, Harry wants to see Louis' smile and laughs, he wants to hold him forever and protect him from this bad world.

Maybe breaking the bond isn't a bad idea he thinks, and he can still save the omega without having a bond. His mind is kinda hazy and North just whimpering in sorrow.

What are you going to do if he kills himself? The Goddess only gives us one mate to love and to protect. But here, we are going to break the bond.

North whispers sadly but there is a little anger behind his voice.

It is for the best, North. I'm not the one that asking for it. I can't do anything about it.

Yes you can! You can mate him! I can mate him! Then we will live together in happiness with the mother of our pups and our little children running around. It's not always about finding the perfect one Harry. You can't just reject him because he isn't exactly what you want him to be. You should be grateful for everything you have right now, including him, our mate.


Louis needs to find Sophia and tells her everything or she might asking lots of questions tomorrow. Louis doesn't want it to take such a long time. He just wants to break the bond, go home to end himself.

He walks to the woods for a few minutes in his wolf form, Alaska is taking the lead.

Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean to break the bond?

Alaska is such a weak wolf and Louis can't fight in his wolf form. He always listens to Louis no matter what is going on. Because Alaska is Louis only friend, and the wolf doesn't want the omega to lose his trust. He's been through everything and Alaska knows the heartbreaks, the scars, everything. He just wants Louis to have a beautiful life, a better life. Heaven sounds promising than this cruel world.

He rejected us remember?

Louis says softly and he feels kinda better because Alaska says something after staying quite for almost all the time. The omega always thinks about his wolf every time he gets abused from the people that hate him. He wishes he could give his wolf everything, better than all of this.

I'm sorry Alaska, I love you. You are my other half, my best friend, I wish I could give you a better life. I'm sorry for wanting to kill myself. I got nothing left anymore, Alaska. No one wants me. My mate rejected me. How can I live anymore? Without someone who is going to love us forever? The only person that can make that happen, doesn't even want me. So it's better this way.

Louis cries in his wolf form and Alaska starts crying too.

I got you, that's the only thing that matters for me.

Alaska says softly.


Louis arrives safely at Sophia's house. She is a smart beautiful young lady who has ability to heal and break the bond. She's a brown haired beta and she's motherly sweet and loving towards Louis. She once asked Louis to live with her but the Omega declined it politely because he didn't want to bother her.

He knocks the door softly, doesn't want to disturb the lady. "Hello Sophia, it's me Louis."

The door opens after the third knock. Sophia's eyes light up. "Louis! Come in come in."

Louis comes in and sits on a soft pink patterned sofa. "I'm sorry for coming without warning, I hope I didn't disturb you." Louis says politely.

"Oh it's okay darling. I just got home from the pack's house." Sophia says from the kitchen, making tea for the little omega.

"It's just-" Louis starts but gets cut off, "Have you been crying Louis?" Sophia worries.

"Uh-" Louis stays still and looking to both of his hands.

"You can tell me everything Louis. I will help you." Sophia says softly.

Louis takes a deep breath before saying, "I want to break the bond between me and my mate."

"WHAT?!" Sophia half screams. "I know that I have ability to do that but why do you want to break the bond? What's wrong between you and your mate?"

"He rejected me." Sophia stands up from her sofa and hugs Louis tightly.

"I'm so sorry darling. He doesn't know what he's going to lose. He's going to lose someone who has a heart made of gold, someone who is so selfless, someone who is so polite and sweet. He is going to regret it darling." Sophia says almost in cry.

"He won't regret it Sophia, he has everything which worth more than having me as his mate."

Author's Note
Such a long chapter! I apologize for the grammar mistakes English isn't my first language but I'm trying for the best. Hope you guys like it and please vote and comment about what you think about this xx

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