Bonus Chapter (#2)

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16 Years Later

"Papa, I am not sure if I am ready to be the next Alpha." Carter sighs to his father who has the identical face like him.

Harry who is so much older now smiles to his only son. His not so little boy is going to turn 17 in months. And which mean, Carter needs to be trained to become the next Alpha in line. But thinking about it, make the little boy scared to death. Carter has most of Louis' personalities; loving, soft, and kind. He is not sure if the position is fit for him.

"Son, you are going to be alright. I know if it feels like you have no choice but I am sure there is nothing to worry. You have me and your mummy. We will always be there for you darling." Harry puts his arm around his son's shoulder.

"I know Papa. But, I am scared if I am not doing it right." Carter leans to his father. Harry keeps soothing the boy.

"It's okay love, mistake is part of learning. It's okay to fall. But remember always be brave to start again. Always believe in yourself that you can do it. Always have that faith in your heart. Because myself even is not perfect. I made a lot of mistakes even at the beginning of my Alpha train. I made bad decision that it costed me lots of things. But I am still here now, I am learning from my past. Don't be afraid love."

Carter nods and smiles to his father. "Thank you Papa. I love you."

"I love you too baby boy. Mummy loves you so much." Harry replies lovingly.

"Do you know that mummy is making your favorite cake right now? It should be a surprise but I think Papa deserves it." Carter whispers cutely. He might be 17 but Harry knows he still has the kindest 5 years old heart.

"Thank you Carter." Harry chuckles to his son.


Carter is currently walking down the Pack's hall with books in his arms.

He smiles to some people and bow his head to the elders. He is currently looking for his mummy. He misses him a lot and he wants a hug from mummy.

"Carter, do you know that your dad used to reject your mother? So, you are a rejected child." Someone says to him and it brings Carter in full anger.

He stops walking and turn around, using his Alpha voice he says, "What did you say?"

"You are a rejected child from a rejected Luna."

And without thinking, Carter grabs the guy's shirt and lifts him up to the air. Using his full Alpha power.

"Never disrespect my parents or I will make your life in hell. I will be the next Alpha in months and I am not scared of you. What a shame to have someone like you to be part in this Pack. Someone who does not know how to use their mouth. What a shame." Carter screams in front of his face that it makes the scene of attention.

Harry and Louis are coming to the view. The Luna gasps with how strong Carter can be. He never knows his son can do any of that stuff yet.

"Harry-" Louis says in panic.

His husband just holds him and everyone back out of the scene because this is the time of Carter to learn. And to make everyone learn on not to disrespect anyone in this Pack.

"I will not hesitate if I have to kick you out from this Pack okay?" Carter says once again while he is still lifting the guy in the air.

"Uh- I- I am- sorry- Sorry- please" The guy is crying and he looks pale.

Finally, Carter drops the guy to the floor. He turns to the crowds that are all watching him. "Never disrespect my parents or it will be worse than that." Then he walks away to his bedroom. His parents following behind him, leaving all the crowds behind.

"Carter!" Mummy Louis says in so much concern.

Carter just runs faster to his room. His parents also catching up with him. Until they are all inside Carter's room, Harry locks the room and watches his son sitting down on the floor and put his face on his knees.

"Son. Look at me." Harry says in his Alpha voice.

In seconds, Carter still does not want to see his parents. He feels so guilty for doing such aggressiveness. 


Then Carter looks up to his parents. "I am sorry. He told me bad things and I could not help it. He was disrespecting you."

Louis smiles gently to his son, sitting beside him on the floor. "Thank you love. You were so brave. I am so proud of you. Thank you Carter." The Luna has tears on his eyes and he is hugging his dearest son tightly.

"I love you so much mummy and I will never let anyone to disrespect my parents. Papa, I am sorry for blowing up like that. I even used my Alpha voice unconsciously."

Harry just smiles and kneels down to his son. He hugs him tightly. "You did the right thing. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for defending your parents. Thank you."

"So you guys are not mad?" Carter looks confused. He thought he was going to get yelled from his parents. But instead, his parents show him love.

"No baby, we are so proud of you. My little Alpha son. We are so proud of you. See? I know right, you are strong. Never doubt yourself son. You scared the shit out of them. I am sure they won't mess with you anymore." Harry teases his son a bit.

Carter chuckles and hugs them again. "Thank you. I love you guys so much. Thank you for raising me like who I am today."

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