Chapter 3

106 6 3

Emma Smith

Two weeks later.

It's finally my birthday, and I am now officially 18 years old. Today, I am going to find my mate. But first, I need to shift into my wolf form. Ashton, Abigail, and I share a birthday, so we will be shifting together in front of the entire pack.

I have been a werewolf all this time, but I have also been more human in some ways because my wolf wasn't fully with me. Now, I will be a full-fledged werewolf. It seems that you can't truly be one until you reach 18 years old and shift into a wolf. That's nature's law.

The shift is scheduled to start around 11 a.m. at our training field, where our pack's alpha and beta will guide us through the transition. I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as the time approaches.

Even though I have two wonderful best friends, Ashton and Abigail, and supportive parents, there are moments when I long for a deeper connection with someone. I believe that connection will come with my wolf, as we are essentially one. Though we are different beings, when we unite, we will become the creature we are meant to be: werewolves.


The moment has arrived at last. My parents and I make our way to the training field, where I am greeted by Ashton, Abigail, and several other key members of our pack, with more gradually arriving to join us.

I wrapped my arms around my two best friends, feeling the excitement bubbling inside me. Abigail looked at Ashton and me with a smile, asking, "Are you excited?"

"I'm beyond excited," I replied, my enthusiasm evident in my voice.

Ashton let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, a hint of reluctance in his expression.

"What's wrong, Ash?" I asked, curious about his sudden change in demeanor.

"I'm just not in the mood for drama today," Ashton admitted nonchalantly. "I might just disappear after my shift."

I knew exactly what he meant - he was avoiding the inevitable chaos that would ensue once he met his mate.

My heart went out to the girl who would be Ashton's mate.

Alpha Charles interrupted our conversation, asking, "Are you ready, kids?"

"Yes, Alpha," I responded with a joyful tone, eager to see what the day had in store for us.

I am filled with anticipation as I wait, holding Ashton and Abigail's hands. Abigail gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, while Ashton grumbles under his breath, making it seem like he is being punished.

Alpha Charles and my father approach us, with my father nodding encouragingly. I smile back at him. In the crowd, I catch my mother's eye and she blows me a kiss, to which I respond by pouting my lips since my hands are occupied with my best friends.

"Hey kiddo, if you keep holding hands, you won't be able to shift," the alpha chuckled. I felt my cheeks flush and quickly released Ashton and Abigail's hands.

The alpha then made their way to the stage, greeted by cheers and applause from the crowd. It was time for the next alpha in line, Ashton, to shift into his wolf and officially take over the pack from his father.

After the alpha acknowledged the gathering, he came down and began to show us how to shift. The three of us sat separately on the ground, focusing our thoughts. At first, I couldn't concentrate because I was so excited to meet my wolf, but eventually, I was able to focus. The alpha instructed us to direct our thoughts towards our wolf and call out to it, explaining that our wolf is already dormant within us. We just need to concentrate our attention on it and summon it with all our might.

As I continued calling for my wolf, I suddenly felt a change in my body, as if every bone was on fire. The pain that followed was the most agonizing I had ever experienced. I couldn't focus on anything except the intense pain, unaware of what was happening around me or who was trying to help. I felt every bone in my body crack, the excruciating pain making me feel like I was on the brink of death. I can't even recall when I collapsed to the ground and everything faded to black.

After some time, though I couldn't be sure how long, I sensed something or someone brushing against my sides. What could it be? I wondered. I even felt a hand, or hands, touching me. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw my father sitting in front of me, running his hands through my hair. But wait, when I looked down, I didn't see my hands. These are paws. I glanced up and around. Alpha Charles, Luna Dorothy, my mother, and two other wolves were standing beside me.

One wolf is a pure grey in color, massive in size, but not as massive as the other one. The other one is as massive as Alpha Charles's wolf. No, I believe this wolf is slightly larger than Alpha Charles's wolf.

Hold on a second. I have seen this wolf before. Those eyes... I recognize them. What are those hazel-brown eyes gazing at me with? Adoration? From what I can tell, the wolf's color is black. This is the same wolf from my dreams. Those eyes seemed so familiar because they belonged to Ashton.

I was surprised. Why was I seeing Ashton's wolf before even meeting him? And before we even shifted. What is happening exactly? He then sniffed me and rested his head against mine. That's when I felt it. The tingles.

Oh my goodness, this can only mean one thing: my parents have shared countless stories about how you can recognize your soulmate when they come into your life. The tingles, the divine scent, the pull. The tingles still linger where he touched me. Despite the crowd around us, I can only smell his scent. His musky aroma is enticing.

It's impossible. Ashton can't be my mate. I have always dreamed of finding my mate, imagining a perfect future with him. But now, it's Ashton. He is my mate. I fear he will reject me, and my dreams of a happy ending will never come true.

Tears streamed down my face without me even realizing it. Whimpers escaped from me, echoing in my wolf form. Ashton took a step back, his expression filled with concern. He lifted his head and let out a howl, as if feeling my pain as his own.

I never thought this would happen. My heart ached at the thought of being rejected by my mate. But as I looked into Ashton's eyes, I knew that no matter what happened, we were meant to be together. But he didn't think that. He no longer believes in soulmates and relationships.

I was shocked as he then did something unexpected: he licked my face, as if trying to comfort me, as if trying to ease my pain.

However, none of his actions had any effect on me. My mind was consumed with one thought: he was going to reject me. I couldn't focus on anything else but the fear of his rejection.

In a panic, I jumped up and ran away. I needed to escape from him, to avoid the pain of rejection. I had to protect myself from the heartache that I knew was coming. So I ran and ran and ran, away from my mate, the one I had been waiting for my whole life.


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