Chapter 25

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Ashton Williams

I couldn't believe it. Emma expressed her desire for me. She wanted to take our relationship to the next level. She wanted to mate with me. She confessed her love for me, declaring that she truly loves me. This came as a shock to me, as I, Ashton, had always been known as a playboy who never took love seriously, especially after being heartbroken by Emily. It felt like a surreal dream, one that I never wanted to end.

I had always thought that Emma would never believe me if I told her I had fallen in love with her. After all, my reputation preceded me. I had a long history of short-lived flings and broken hearts. I was known for my charming smile and smooth words, but deep down, I had always felt empty.

Emma, my best friend, my mate, has always been different. She saw through my facade, saw the real me beneath the layers of charm and charisma. She saw the vulnerability I had hidden for so long. And now, she had confessed her love for me, shattering all my doubts and insecurities, the doubts and insecurities I harbored since Emily broke my heart.

I met Emily five years ago and instantly fell in love with her. I always believed that Emily was my mate; she made me believe in that too. We had been together for one year, and I thought our love was unbreakable. But one day, everything changed.

It started with little signs, subtle shifts in her behavior that I couldn't quite put my finger on. She became distant, always on her phone, and seemed preoccupied with something. I tried to talk to her about it, but she brushed me off, saying she was just stressed about school.

However, I had a sinking feeling that something was amiss. That feeling was confirmed one evening when everything fell apart. I had planned a romantic surprise for her and went to her house with high hopes. Upon entering her apartment, with the help of her housekeeper, I heard laughter coming from her bedroom. Feeling bewildered, I cautiously made my way towards the door, my heart racing with anxiety.

And there, in her bedroom, I found Emily with another boy. They were lying on her bed, tangled in each other's arms, kissing, oblivious to my presence. My world shattered in that moment. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It felt like a knife had been plunged into my heart.

I stood there, frozen, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene before me. Emily finally noticed me, her eyes widening in shock. She quickly pushed the boy away and tried to explain, but her words fell on deaf ears. I couldn't bear to hear her excuses, her apologies. All I could think about was the betrayal I felt.

Without saying a word, I turned and walked out of the apartment. I needed to get away, to clear my head. I found myself wandering the streets aimlessly, lost in a sea of emotions, thinking, "How could she do this to me? How could she throw away everything we had built together?"

I had given her my everything, my love, my trust, and my dreams. I had believed that we were meant to be together, that our love was unbreakable. But she crushed my heart with her own hands, and I was left with nothing but the bitter taste of betrayal.

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