Chapter 14

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Emma Smith

His hand gently moved to my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine. His thumb caressed my skin, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. I couldn't help but gasp slightly as his gaze shifted to my lips, causing my heart to race even faster. The intensity in his eyes seemed to heighten, making me feel both excited and vulnerable.

His gaze returned to mine, and our eyes locked in a mesmerizing connection. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, as if something was keeping me fixated on his every move. In his eyes, I saw a fiery passion and an undeniable zeal. I knew that my own eyes must have reflected his feelings, but they were also filled with the exhilaration of experiencing my very first kiss.

My mind raced with thoughts and insecurities. This was my first kiss, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by my lack of experience. Ashton, on the other hand, had kissed countless girls and had been intimate with many women. How could I possibly compete with that? I worried that he would despise my inexperience, that he would despise me.

I hadn't even realized that my once cheerful expression had transformed into a deep frown until Ashton interrupted my thoughts, concern etched across his face.

"What's wrong, Emy?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

I glanced at him, his eyes filled with genuine concern. Slowly, I untangled myself from his comforting embrace. At first, he resisted, not wanting to let me go, but as he caught sight of the panic in my eyes, he reluctantly released his hold on me.

Restless and unsure of what to do, I began pacing back and forth, my mind racing with insecurities. Ashton called out my name several times, desperately trying to capture my attention, but I chose to ignore him. What was the point? Even if he were to kiss me, he would surely despise my lack of experience. How could I ever hope to compete with his vast knowledge in this area? Lost in my thoughts, I continued pacing, my mind consumed by these doubts, until Ashton abruptly stepped in front of me, effectively halting my restless movements.

"Enough," he said sternly, his grip on my arms firm.

"Baby, please, just listen to me..." he started to say, but I couldn't bear to hear his words. Pushing myself away from him, tears welled up in my eyes, my trembling lips struggling to form coherent words.

"Don't," I managed to choke out, my voice breaking.

His expression shifted from concern to distress, mirroring the pain that was now evident in my own eyes.

"Don't," I whispered again, my voice barely audible as I moved further away from him. A growl of frustration escaped his lips, annoyed by the growing distance between us.

His expression changed from confusion to determination. He took a step forward, his hands gripping my arms tightly as he looked into my eyes. His voice was filled with urgency as he pleaded, "Don't do this, Emma. Whatever you're thinking, it's not worth it. Please, just stop."

Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed, feeling the weight of my emotions crashing over me. "You have no idea what I'm thinking," I managed to say between sobs. "So stop pretending like you know everything."

A flicker of pain crossed his face, but he remained resolute. "I know you well enough to understand what's going through your mind," he said softly. "Those girls mean nothing to me, Emy. You never have to feel insecure because of them, or anyone else. You are my mate, not them. Before anything else, you are my best friend. Nobody can compete with that, baby. No one. No amount of hot, sexy girls can ever take your place. They were only important to me for my physical needs and to hide the pain that I received from Emily. But you, you matter to me for the sake of my soul, for the sake of everything in my life. You are my soulmate, my other half, my world. Nobody else can fill that part of me. No one can make me feel the way you do with a simple touch. So, please, baby, never compare yourself to others because there is no comparison."

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