Chapter 8

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Emma Smith

It has been a few days since Henry last visited the library. I have not seen him since then, and I am grateful for the space. I do not want to push him away, as he was a great help to me during my darkest hour. I know it must be difficult for him, but I have no other option. I have nothing to offer him.

Before heading to the library, I usually grab breakfast at a cafe a few blocks away from my apartment. As I was enjoying my bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee, a man in his forties came up to my table.

I had seen him around a few times before, but he had never approached me. I never felt uneasy about him. He would come in, sit in a corner, eat his food while reading the newspaper, and then leave.

"Good day, miss," he said, "may I join you?" I looked at him, puzzled. It was the first time he had spoken to me in all the days he had been coming here. What did he want from me?

"Um," I replied, glancing around awkwardly. "If you'd like to," I added politely, forcing a smile. But inside, I felt uneasy.

"I've seen you here a few times. Do you live nearby?" he asked, with a strange tone that hinted at a hidden motive. I couldn't shake the odd feeling I got from him.

"I'm sorry if I came across as impolite, sir, but I don't actually know who you are, and you're asking about my whereabouts," I said in a polite tone.

He couldn't help but burst out laughing. "I'm not here to cause any trouble for you, young lady," he reassured me. "I'm just trying to get to know you as a new acquaintance from our shared breakfast spot."

Still feeling a bit skeptical, I remained quiet. Sensing my hesitation, he went on to explain, "I work for a private investigation firm a few blocks away. I recently discovered this cafe as the best spot around here, so I come here for breakfast before starting my work day."

I still stayed silent. He raised his eyebrows, as if urging me to speak. I huffed in annoyance, which made him laugh.

"I live a few blocks away, and my workplace is also a few blocks away," I gave him a vague response.

"Hmm," he hummed under his breath. "Well, I know some people who might know who you are," he said challengingly.

I tensed up. "What does that even mean?" I asked, charging at him.

He simply smiled knowingly, which only irritated me more.

Looking out the window, he appeared to be lost in thought. When he turned back to me, his gaze was surprisingly gentle, catching me off guard.

"You should stay where you belong and stop wandering around like this. I have seen you cry while eating several times. That is not the life for a young lady like you," he spoke softly.

I gazed at him, perplexed. What is he trying to say?

"You should be with your boyfriend, Emma," he declared.

My eyes widened. Boyfriend? How does he know my name? Who is this guy? What is his game? I don't have a boyfriend, for heaven's sake.

Questions raced through my mind, but I chose not to confront him. He seemed like trouble. "I'm running late for work. I have to go," I informed him.

I left some money on the table, knowing the cost of my usual meal, and quickly got up from my seat. Thankfully, he didn't follow me.

What a strange person! How does he know my name? Is he somehow connected to Henry? Did he just refer to Henry as my boyfriend? How else could he possibly know my name? Besides Mr. Hudson and his family, and a few library employees, no one in New York knows who I am. I hardly interact with anyone in my apartment building. Mr. Hudson even helped me find this rented apartment. So how does this person know about me? I have a feeling it's Henry. What is he planning? What is really going on here?

As I went to work, my mind was filled with thoughts of all that had been happening lately.

The day at the library passed by without any unusual incidents, much to my relief. Henry was nowhere to be seen, and I was thankful for that.

As I was getting ready to leave for the day, a familiar figure walked through the library doors. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and cross my arms in frustration. "What do you want now?" I asked him, my tone relaxed but tinged with annoyance, knowing that he had come to see me.

He simply chuckled at my reaction.

I shot him a fierce glare. "What are you after?" I shouted. A small crowd had gathered around us by now. My coworkers, who were still finishing up their tasks at the library, had come over to see what was happening. It was unusual for me to show anger, so they were curious.

The onlookers didn't seem to faze the man. He kept his focus on me. "I mentioned before that I believe you should be with your boyfriend, so I'm here to help you reunite with him," he said with a smirk.

I have reached my breaking point. What is this boyfriend business he keeps mentioning? "I don't have a boyfriend," I yelled at him.

"You do, you'll see," he challenged me. "Come on in, young man," he said, calling out to someone.

I was hoping to see Henry at the very least, or maybe it was just this man's joke. But I never expected to see the person who walked in through that door ever again in my life.

I stood there frozen, staring into the hazel-brown eyes of Ashton Williams.

Author's note: If you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and leave a comment. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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