Chapter 16

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Ashton Williams

4 days later.

I tighten my grip on Emma's hand, pressing my lips against her knuckles, desperate for any sign of life. The room is filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint sound of her shallow breaths. Her body lies motionless on the bed, a fragile figure against the pristine white sheets. It's as if she's trapped in a deep slumber, her delicate features accentuated by the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window.

Tears well up in my eyes as I continue to worry about my mate. I can't bear to see her like this, so vulnerable and fragile. Every touch, every kiss I place on her hand is filled with a mixture of love and desperation. My wolf, restless and agitated, paces within me, urging me to find a way to bring her back.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening breaks the stillness. It's Aiden Moore, the alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, his presence commanding and reassuring. His concern is evident in his eyes as he approaches me. "How is she doing now?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine worry.

I can barely find the strength to respond, my voice cracking with emotion. "Exactly the same. She hasn't even moved an inch," I manage to choke out, my heart sinking with each word. Aiden places a comforting hand on my shoulder, his touch offering solace in this moment of despair.

Four days ago, my worst nightmare became a reality. The love of my life, my best friend, my mate, my Emma, collapsed before my eyes, and I feared that she would be lost to me forever. Lucas and I were completely paralyzed, uncertain of how to handle the situation when she collapsed. It was as if time stood still as we watched her body contort into strange forms, her skin slashed and partially covered in fur. The sight was truly horrifying, a nightmare come to life.

In a desperate attempt to find help, I mind-linked with James to update him on the dire situation. He arrived as quickly as he could, his face etched with terror and worry for his daughter. We were both consumed by fear, unsure of what to do next. Emma's condition was far too severe for us to handle on our own, and taking her back to California seemed impossible.

With no other options, I reached out to Alpha Aiden, the leader of a powerful pack residing in New York. Despite the distance, he came to our aid without hesitation. I will forever be grateful for his assistance during those dark days when we were searching for a way to find Emma. He was very helpful in the past and continues to be very helpful now.

Together, we rushed her to the pack hospital, her life hanging by a thread. The moon goddess seemed to bless us that day, as Dr. Sebastian Lewis, a skilled and dedicated healer, was able to stabilize Emma and bring her back to her human form. However, despite this small victory, she remained unconscious. Days passed, and my concern grew with each passing moment. It had been three long days since the medical team managed to stabilize her, yet there was no sign of her waking up.

I spent countless hours by her side, holding her hand and whispering words of love and encouragement. The room was filled with the beeping of machines and the hushed voices of worried doctors and nurses, but all I could focus on was Emma, lying there so still, her face peaceful yet unresponsive.

The only reason she was able to be saved was because of the presence of her wolf. Yes, that is indeed the encouraging news that we can now detect her wolf's presence, but very faintly, which was non-existent when I first met her. However, the problem is that we don't know anything about her condition. The reason for her inability to fully transform into her wolf form is still unknown. Dr. Lewis believes that all of these events have a deeper meaning, but we don't know what it is.

"Ashton, come on, you and James need to put some food in you," Aiden said, his voice filled with concern.

I sighed and looked at James, who had been sick with worry about his daughter. He was resting on the couch in the room, which I had to coax him into doing. He never leaves the room for any reason. For the past four days, neither of us has taken a proper shower, slept, or eaten anything.

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