Chapter 20

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Authors note : I apologize for not being able to update for the past few days. I had promised to update on February 11th, but due to a combination of professional and personal matters, I was unable to find the time to write. I am truly sorry for the delay and I understand if you are disappointed. Rest assured, this will not happen again. I ask for your forgiveness and I commit to being more consistent with my updates moving forward. Thank you for your understanding.


Ashton Williams

Emma's revelation about our past lives as Christopher and Elizabeth has left me speechless. I never imagined myself as anyone other than who I am now. But the way she speaks with such conviction and sincerity makes me want to believe her. I can see the determination in her eyes, and it's hard not to be drawn in by it. So I decided that I will support her and believe her in whatever is there for us, whatever she says about our past lives.

As I stroll back home from the takeout joint, my mind is consumed with thoughts of Nicholas Campbell's mysterious role in all of this. Emma's explanations are frustratingly vague, but I have faith that she has a plan. She always does, even if it drives me up the wall sometimes. Emma had a craving for something different for breakfast, and I'm thrilled that I managed to snag all her favorite breakfast items. But I can't help but be annoyed with my eccentric mate. Despite it all, there's no denying that I love her to bits.

She refuses to go back to the pack house before resigning. She insists that she will serve her notice period before returning. It's just another one of her stubborn quirks that I've come to love and hate. But I can't help but admire her determination to do things her way, even if it means causing me a headache or two.

Despite the mystery surrounding her inability to shift into her wolf form and the connection to our past lives, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement. Emma's unwavering belief that meeting Nicholas Campbell will change everything gives me hope. And I can't wait to see where this journey takes us, even if it means putting up with Emma's antics along the way.


I sat at the dining table that afternoon, nervously fidgeting with my fork as I glanced between Emma and James. The tension in the room was palpable, and I knew exactly why. James wanted me to go back to the pack, to fulfill my duties as the alpha. But I couldn't leave Emma, not now, not ever.

"Pass the salt, please," Emma said, breaking the silence. I quickly handed her the salt shaker, trying to avoid eye contact with James. I could feel his gaze burning into me. However, I am dreading this discussion and refuse to return home without Emma, so I try to avoid the conversation.

"Son, I understand that you care for Emma," James began, his voice stern yet tinged with a hint of desperation. "But the pack needs you. You're the alpha, Ashton. They rely on you."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I know, James. But Ethan, my beta, is more than capable of handling things in my absence. He's been doing a great job so far."

James shook his head, his eyes filled with concern. "It's not just about the pack, Ashton. It's about your responsibilities as the alpha. You have a duty to protect and lead our kind."

I leaned forward, meeting James' gaze. "And I will, James. But right now, my priority is Emma. I can't just abandon her."

Emma blushed, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink. I couldn't help but smile at her, my heart swelling with love. She looks so adorable when she blushes. "Ash, you don't have to worry about me," she said softly. "I'll be fine."

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