Chapter 27

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Emma Smith

I woke up the next morning, feeling a sense of contentment and bliss that I had never experienced before. The warmth of Ashton's arms wrapped around me made me feel safe and loved. The events of last night played in my mind like a beautiful melody, reminding me of the incredible connection we shared.

As I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but smile. The room was bathed in a soft, golden light, casting a warm glow on Ashton's face. His tousled hair fell gently over his forehead, and his peaceful expression made my heart flutter. I couldn't believe that he was mine, that we were mated.

My foolish rejection that had caused the mate bond to be severed has now been healed. The magnetic pull, the tingling sensation - everything has returned, and now that we are mated, it has heightened. Now, we were capable of sensing one another's emotions. I could sense a slight movement of my wolf within me when he claimed me with his mark. But I am still unable to communicate with her.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted within me. Ever since Ashton marked me, I felt like a different person. Our matebond had brought us closer together, but there was something else too. It was like my wolf, who had been silent for so long, was now making her presence known. I had only felt her faintly once before, when Lucas and I called out to her in the woods. But now, after Ashton's mark, I could feel her strongly within me. It was as if she was right there with me, guiding me. I tried to brush it off as my imagination, but the feeling persisted. It was like my wolf had finally come alive, and I couldn't ignore her presence any longer.

Trying to push my thoughts away as I lay there, basking in the afterglow of our love, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and bliss. Every inch of my body tingled with the memory of our passionate encounter. The way Ashton's hands had caressed my skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake. The way his lips had explored every inch of my body, igniting a fire deep within me. The way our bodies had moved together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of pleasure.

I had lost my virginity to Ashton, and it was a moment I would cherish forever. He had been gentle and patient, making sure I was comfortable every step of the way. With him, I felt safe and loved, and that allowed me to surrender myself completely to the pleasure that consumed us both.

As I gazed at Ashton's peaceful sleeping face, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of our connection. It was more than just physical attraction; it was a bond that went beyond the surface. We were two halves of a whole, destined to be together.

I delicately ran my fingers along Ashton's jawline, relishing the sensation of his smooth skin against mine. He stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open to gaze into mine. A smile played at the corners of his lips as he drew me closer, wrapping me in a tender embrace.

I blushed, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement as I snuggled closer to him in the morning light.

"Good morning, my beautiful mate," he whispered, his voice filled with love and adoration.

"Good morning, my handsome mate," I replied, my heart swelling with affection.

He kissed me softly, and then he tried to deepen the kiss, his hands sliding under my shirt, or rather, his own shirt. I had Ashton's shirt on. That realization made me blush.

But as I was about to lose myself in his touch, a voice in my head made me jerk away from him. "God, how long will I have to give you two privacy, huh? I have been waiting from yesterday to make my presence felt, but you two perverts never stop the act it seems," Bella said in mock irritation.

Ashton, puzzled by my reaction, inquired, "Emy, what's the matter? Did I do something..." However, he abruptly halted, gazing into my eyes. Perhaps he noticed that my eye color had shifted to that of my wolf's, or that it was alternating between mine and Bella's eye color, or something else entirely. I couldn't comprehend it. I was too stunned to process anything.

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