Chapter 13

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Emma Smith

"I have many questions, but Ashton and I have noticed something since we met you. So the first question I have is, why can't we feel your wolf princess?" my father inquired, his words hanging in the air with a sense of urgency.


I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. How do I explain something that I don't fully understand myself?

"I don't know, dad," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Ever since I rejected Ashton," I said, my voice cracking with regret. The memory of that painful day continued to haunt me. "I have never been able to contact my wolf," I confessed, tears welling up in my eyes.

My father hummed, deep in thought. Ashton, sensing my distress, approached me and hesitated for a moment before taking my hand in his, offering me comfort through his touch.

I gave Ashton a grateful smile, appreciating his silent support.

"I believe the elders will be the best to answer this, but on our way here from the library, Ashton and I talked through the mind link," my father began, his voice gentle. "We came to the conclusion that maybe because of the rejection, your wolf has gone back to its dormant state. She felt immense physical and mental pain, which caused her to retreat," he explained, his words laced with understanding. "Perhaps she isn't responding because she is upset with you for rejecting her mate without even consulting her," my father continued, his tone filled with empathy.

I simply nodded, unable to find the words to express the guilt and remorse that consumed me. With my reckless behavior, I had unknowingly harmed not only myself but also those around me.

"So, Ashton decided to try calling out to your wolf," my father revealed, his voice hopeful. "Essentially, his wolf will summon your wolf. If that doesn't work, we will have to return home to figure out how to bring your wolf back," he concluded, his words carrying a sense of determination.

I agreed by nodding, feeling a glimmer of hope ignite within me. I was relieved to know that there was still a chance to reconnect with my wolf, to mend the bond that I had thought was lost forever.

Ashton squeezed my hand gently, his eyes filled with unwavering support. "We will find a way, together," he whispered, his voice filled with determination.

I agreed by nodding, my heart pounding with anticipation. I was glad that I would finally have the opportunity to connect with my wolf, even if it was just in some small way. For so long, I had believed that I had lost her forever, that she was nothing more than a distant memory. But now, with Ashton by my side, there was a glimmer of hope.

"So..." I began, but Ashton cut me off gently, his voice filled with excitement.

"Come on, Emy, let's go to the woods. I am not sure if this is the place to try something like that. I will need to shift, and hopefully you can shift as well. This apartment is not the best place for that," he explained, his eyes filled with determination. "We also have an unfinished conversation," he added, his voice softening as he looked at me with a hopeful expression.

I nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement coursing through me. Ashton still hadn't let go of my hand, and I hadn't pulled away either.

As we made our way towards the woods, I couldn't help but wonder what his response would be. Would he accept me as his mate, despite the complications that came with it? Or would he be only willing to give this a chance solely because of his wolf? If that was the case, then there was no point in us being together.

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