Chapter 15

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Ashton Williams

The simple kiss felt extraordinary, like a burst of fireworks in my chest. It wasn't my first kiss, but it was unlike any other I had experienced. Each touch of her lips against mine sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore. I had kissed many girls before, but this kiss felt unique, special in a way that I couldn't quite put into words.

As I stood there, trying to regain my composure, I couldn't help but yearn for more. I wanted to kiss her again, to feel the warmth of her body pressed against mine, to be intimate with her. But deep down, I knew she wasn't ready for any of that. We had only just begun exploring our bond and the feelings we have for each other, and rushing into anything could jeopardize what we have.

It was a miracle that she had accepted me as her mate, considering the complicated circumstances surrounding our relationship. But despite the undeniable connection between us, she wasn't feeling the mate bond at the moment. And I couldn't afford to do anything rash that might push her away.

"Mark mate," Lucas, my wolf, chanted in my head, his voice filled with urgency and longing.

"Lucas, come on, you know we can't," I sadly replied, my voice laced with a mixture of desire and frustration.

"No, mark mate. We have been away from her for so long. Mark her as ours," my wolf demanded, his primal instincts overpowering my rational thoughts.

"Lucas, I can't even tell her I love her because I know she won't believe me," I confessed, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "She isn't feeling the same things we are feeling. And her wolf isn't with her right now. We have to be patient, take things slowly. We can't risk making a mistake and pushing her away. Do you want that?"

I tried to reason with both my wolf and myself, reminding us of the delicate nature of our relationship. Yes, I wanted nothing more than to mark her as mine, to claim her as my mate. But I knew that rushing into it would only cause more harm than good. We had to respect her boundaries, give her the time she needed to fully embrace the bond between us.

Before my wolf could respond, Emma's voice trembled with tension as she asked, "Does your wolf hate me?" Her eyes filled with tears as she realized I was conversing with my wolf.

Caught off guard, I exclaimed, "What?" I couldn't fathom how such a thought had entered her mind.

Emma's gaze dropped to the ground, her vulnerability shining through. I gently cupped her cheeks and reassured her, "Emy, no."

But my wolf, ever protective and perceptive, chimed in, "Our mate is too sensitive and innocent. I believe I should speak with her."

Anxiety gripped me as I hesitated, unsure of whether to grant my wolf's request. "Not at all, Lucas," I finally replied, my voice filled with concern. "Right now, I don't trust you with her. I have no idea what you might say, and I fear that one wrong move will drive her away. I can't bear to let her go again. I simply won't."

Desperation tinged my wolf's plea, "I am not going to say anything stupid. I will just talk to her. Please let me, Ashton."

With a heavy sigh, I relented. "Lucas, my wolf, wants to talk with you," I wiped away Emma's tears gently. "Could you please speak with him? You will see that he doesn't hate you," I informed her, hoping to ease her fears.

Emma's eyes widened, fear evident in her voice as she whispered, "I... I am scared, Ash."

I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, trying to calm her trembling. "There is no need to be afraid," I murmured. "He adores you, baby. Just give him a chance to talk. Besides, he is the one who will summon your wolf, so you will have to speak with him no matter what."

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