Chapter 26

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Ashton Williams

She gently pulled me in for a passionate kiss, pouring out her emotions - love, gratitude, happiness. "I love you, Ash. I love you so much," she whispered in a tone I had never heard before. I swallowed hard and replied, "I love you too, baby, more than anything or anyone in this world." I kissed her again, feeling her reciprocate with equal intensity. However, her lips hesitated and her body tensed as I began to enter her. Her breaths came out in gasps, and she gripped my back tightly, her nails digging into my skin. Despite the discomfort, I didn't complain. I hadn't fully entered her yet, but she was incredibly tight.

"Emy, we can stop if you want. I don't want to hurt you," I said, groaning. I hoped she wouldn't refuse, as I desired her so much. But if she wasn't ready, I would stop immediately. I wouldn't do anything to make her uncomfortable or regretful.

She vigorously shook her head in disagreement. "No, Ash, no, I want this, I want you. Just give me a moment," she said in a panting, hissing, and groaning voice.

I simply nodded and waited for her next signal. When she shifted her hips slightly and groaned, "Move, Ash," I proceeded slowly. I was aware that she would experience pain, being a virgin. It was her first time, so I entered her as gently as possible. As I penetrated her, I encountered a tight barrier that I aimed to break through. "Emy, this may hurt. You can scratch me, bite me, pull my hair, or tell me to stop. Whatever you need, I will comply," I assured her.

"Ugh, Ash, shut up. How many times do I have to tell you to continue because I want this, I want you. You're such an idiot," she exclaimed in frustration. I chuckled but instructed her, "Okay, hold on to me tightly."

I advanced slowly, breaking through her virginity barrier, causing her to groan in pain. She scratched my back with one hand and pulled my hair hard with the other, her eyes tightly shut. She hissed in pain, and I did too, but I didn't stop or tell her to stop. I was willing to give her whatever she needed, even if it meant the world to her. She was panting heavily, tears streaming down her face, and I panicked, fearing I had hurt her badly.

"Emy, are you okay? Did I hurt you too much? Should I withdraw?" I asked, concerned.

Her response surprised me. "Ashton Williams, if you say anything about pulling out or stopping again, I swear I will kill you with my bare hands. Just shut up and give me a moment," she said, frustration and mock anger evident in her tone. I couldn't help but laugh at her fiery spirit, but I remained still, waiting for her to adjust to my length.

After a moment of hesitation, she finally nodded her head, giving me the signal to continue. I pulled back slowly and then thrust into her in one smooth motion. A sound escaped her lips, a mixture of pain and pleasure, as her insides clenched tightly around me. I couldn't believe how incredible it felt, a sensation like I had never experienced before. But my focus was solely on her, on ensuring that she felt nothing but pleasure and bliss during this unforgettable moment.

I pulled out and then pushed back in, causing her to moan in pleasure with just a hint of lingering pain. As I continued to thrust into her, I could feel her body responding to mine, her muscles tightening around me. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer, her nails leaving faint scratches on my back.

We moved together in a rhythm, our bodies intertwined in the moonlit room. The shadows danced on our skin as the moonlight streamed in through the window. I could feel her heart beating against mine, her breath warm against my neck. It was a moment of pure connection and intimacy, a moment that would forever be etched in our memories.

Our bodies moved together in perfect harmony; the only sounds filling the room were our heavy breaths, moans, and the sound of our skin slapping against each other. The air was thick with the mix of our unique scents and the unmistakable scent of sex. Our eyes were locked in a passionate gaze, conveying everything that words couldn't.

As I placed sloppy kisses on her lips, jaw, and neck, I could feel Lucas's silent presence in my mind. He had been giving us our privacy, but I could sense his desire for me to mark her as our own. The urge to sink my teeth into her skin and claim her as mine was strong, but I had always managed to resist. However, as I felt my canines elongate while thrusting into her and kissing her neck, I knew I was losing control.

Just as I was about to give in to my primal instincts, Emma surprised me by moaning, "Mark me, Ash. Mark me as your own." Her words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore. With her permission, I finally let go of my inhibitions and sank my teeth into her skin, marking her as mine in a primal display of passion and possession.

As soon as my teeth sank into her skin, marking her as mine, she let out a loud moan of pleasure. Earlier, as I prepared her with my fingers and mouth, I deliberately prevented her from reaching orgasm each time she was on the brink, all for this exact moment. I wanted her first orgasm to be intense, to make her feel pleasure like she had never felt before.

But as she reached her peak, I couldn't help but curse under my breath. The way she reacted, the way her whole body trembled and her insides throbbed, it was too much for me to handle. Her lips were parted in pure ecstasy, and the look on her face was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I found myself climaxing right along with her, unable to resist the overwhelming pleasure she was experiencing. It was as if her pleasure was contagious, spreading to me and making me lose control. I had never climaxed so fast in my life, except maybe the first time I had ever experienced such intense pleasure.

Emma's first orgasm had been a wild ride, and it had taken me along with her. The way she reacted, the way she made me feel, it was something I would never forget.

I don't think I have ever experienced the same depth of emotion as I did today with her. While this wasn't my first time engaging in intimacy, I have lost count of the number of times I have been physically intimate with different women in the past. As someone who has always pursued physical pleasure, my encounters with women were always focused on the physical aspect. Even with Emily, my intentions were purely physical. It was always about sex, never about making love.

However, today was different. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was truly making love to someone, not just engaging in a physical act. As we both came down from our passionate moment, breathing heavily, we locked eyes and saw tears of happiness and love reflected in each other's gaze. It was a moment of emotional connection that I had never experienced before.

In that moment, it felt like a first for both of us. I had never felt such a deep emotional bond with anyone, and I had never engaged in unprotected intimacy with anyone before, not even with Emily. Perhaps this is why they say the connection you share with your soulmate is unparalleled. And indeed, it was a unique and special moment.

I leaned in and tenderly kissed Emma on her lips, filled with passion as we embraced each other tightly. It was a moment of pure love and connection that I will always cherish.

I could see the exhaustion in her eyes as she struggled to stay awake. Slowly, I withdrew from her, causing her to let out a soft hiss. I quietly made my way to the bathroom to fetch some towels to clean us up. After wetting the towels, I returned to find her blinking sleepily. I couldn't help but smile as I kissed her forehead, urging her to drift off while I took care of cleaning us both up. By the time I finished, she had already succumbed to sleep.

I disposed of the towels in the washer before returning to the room to gently dress her in my shirt and her panty. She stirred slightly, but her exhaustion kept her in a deep slumber. Carefully, I helped her into my shirt and her panty, trying not to disturb her rest. Once she was settled, I changed into my boxers and joined her in bed, wrapping my arms around her as we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


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