Chapter 21

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Emma Smith

It is remarkable how Ashton addressed Henry's concerns about me. I have never witnessed him being so fiercely protective, almost as if he were on the brink of transforming into his wolf.

I understand that I should not derive pleasure from his jealousy, but witnessing him so consumed by it, nearly losing control, brings me happiness.

I cannot help but believe that Ashton's feelings for me are sincere. Despite his wolf's instincts, there seems to be a deeper meaning behind his actions. When he declared me as his in front of Henry, Mr. Hudson, and my father, it felt like he was asserting his claim and warning Henry to step back. It seemed as though he was the one exhibiting that behavior, not just his wolf. He desires me as his own, not just his wolf.

My feelings for Ashton have always been purely platonic, but recently, I have started to question that. There is a magnetic pull towards him that I cannot explain, a romantic attraction that is becoming stronger.

Although the mate bond may have been broken from my side, my heart still yearns for Ashton. I cannot ignore the emotions I have for him, even if it means risking our friendship.

I, Emma, find myself falling more deeply in love with him each day. It is almost surreal to think that our connection transcends just this lifetime. The happiness he brings me is beyond words.

I desire to confess my feelings to him, but I am afraid that he may not be prepared for it. The shadow of his past with Emily hangs over us, and we have not yet had the opportunity to address it.

Despite my apprehension, I am determined to have an open and honest conversation with him. In the meantime, I want to cherish the special bond we share as it grows into something more than just friendship.


Ashton and I were the only ones left in the city now, after my father had departed for the pack house. Mr. Hudson had suggested that I return home as well, but I was resolute in finishing my notice period and continuing to work. I owed so much to Mr. Hudson for his assistance that I couldn't simply leave without finding a replacement for myself. After much persuasion, he reluctantly agreed to let me stay for just 15 more days.

He assured me that he would either find someone new or have Henry temporarily take over my position. However, he insisted that I go back to my family, from whom I had been separated for three long years due to my own foolish decisions. It was shocking to hear Ashton and my father team up and inform Mr. Hudson and Henry that I had left home because I wanted to get married. The absurdity of their claim still sends shivers down my spine.

The flashback begins on the day when Mr. Hudson and Henry came to visit Emma in her apartment.

When Mr. Hudson inquired about why I had been away from home for three years, I felt nervous about what my father and Ashton would disclose. As I sat there anxiously, my hands fidgeted in my lap. A mischievous look passed between Ashton and my father, hinting that something embarrassing was about to be revealed. It was evident from the weight of their gazes on me.

"Well, Emma," my father began, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Do you remember why you left home three years ago?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Um, I..." I stumbled over my words.

"So, Mr. Hudson, Emma here had this crazy idea of getting married at 18," my father continued, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, and I foolishly went along with her parents' decision to oppose it," Ashton chimed in, shaking his head. "I mean, who gets married at 18, right?"

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