Chapter 62: Immeasurable

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Note: The following chapter is intended for readers above the age of 18

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Note: The following chapter is intended for readers above the age of 18.
Proceed with caution and/or skip to the next chapter if at all uncomfortable. You've been thoroughly warned.

Arnav took a deep breath as the opening night of Keyes came to a culminating end.

The time read one o'clock in the morning and he had just bid goodbye to the last of his guests –or rather his mother's kitty party friends, all with flushed cheeks and giggling laughs all thanks to the free bar– congratulating him for the restaurant and wishing him good luck. He was polite and patient with them, just like Satya taught him to be, and waited until they were all safely back in their cars before closing the doors, the stress and tension finally leaving him.

It had been a good event, all things considered. Minus his conversation with his father, from which he had to take several minutes to recover, the night went on flawlessly. Most of the food was consumed enthusiastically, the fan favorites were obvious and would definitely make it on to the weekly specials, and all the critics seemed to have genuine smiles as they left. Hopefully, they will be kind to him in the papers and blogs tomorrow.

Like Khushi had said, he had done his best. The result was out of his hands.

The reminder of Khushi brought Arnav turning around to scan the restaurant. The only ones left were his cousins, all very excited for the real party, Saket settling the accounts of his wait staff and some of his chefs, all taking a well-deserved break in a far corner. Khushi was sitting with Bhagi and Dev, laughing and completely carefree.

What wouldn't he do to keep that smile from never leaving her face?

He may have argued with Shankar earlier that evening, enraged about the far-reaching and never-ending control of his father in his personal life, but the truth is, Myra measured up to nothing in front of Khushi. That distinction had been clear from the time he had fractured his leg and had the moment to appreciate just how deep-rooted Khushi was in his life. So yes, he was very thankful for how destiny worked out.

But he also couldn't look past the ugly truth: his family, truly, never believed or supported him. He would forever be the youngest, aimless child, who would not be allowed to make decisions for himself. As that realization seeped through, Arnav couldn't help but empathize with Khushi, realizing just how much she suffered under Alok Raj Gupta's tyrannical rule. No wonder she was so angry and unwilling to forgive him.

Or maybe, that's how all parents were in the end, and Arnav was just expecting too much out of them. Whatever the case may be, it was best for his own sanity to put it behind himself and move on. From now on, the only person that mattered to him was Khushi. The rest, as the saying goes, was water under the bridge.

"I think," came Saket's voice. "That congratulations are in order."

Arnav blinked out of his thoughts to see his manager handing him a glass of champagne.

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