Chapter 51: Fine-Print

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"No, you misjudged your daughter

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"No, you misjudged your daughter. I'm just grateful that I haven't made the same mistake, no matter how hard you tried to make me do so."

Khushi paused in her steps, confused to hear Arnav's usually cheerful voice so momentous.

The award ceremony had finally come to an end just a few minutes ago. While everyone was still busy socializing, congratulating winners and making plans for grabbing drinks nearby, Khushi was busy looking for Arnav who had mysteriously disappeared along with her father, who she was sure had been present in the auditorium.

Following directions from a staff member who spotted someone in a wheelchair leaving half-way through the ceremony, Khushi was searching in a small, almost empty, hallway when she heard serious voices deep in discussion. One, of course, was Arnav's and the other–

"You spoke so much about my daughter's happiness, about her wants and achievements...."

It was her father's voice.

Fastening her pace, Khushi rounded the corner to see the Alok sitting down on a bench, surveying Arnav –whose back was turned towards her– closely.

"Why is that exactly?" Alok continued, unaware of her presence. "If my daughter was nothing but an obligation thrusted into your unwilling hands, then why do you care so much?"

Khushi held her breath.

What were they talking about? She had been expecting her father to be livid, to be unreasonable and obnoxious after seeing her on stage, but instead, he was calmly discussing with Arnav about the nature of their marriage?!

"Because Khushi is my wife."

Khushi froze, perplexed to hear Arnav's honest voice. Did... did he realize what he had said?

Alok spoke again: "In that case, you have clearly underestimated me. True, the circumstances leading to your marriage were less than ideal... but my decision to get you both married was more than ideal. So you see Arnav, in the end, I do know what's best for my daughter."

If Khushi wasn't so caught up with Arnav's words, she would have definitely rolled her eyes. Her father could not be more predictable: Unwilling to accept he was wrong, and forever eager to justify his actions as the greater good. There was no point explaining to people who wanted –no, needed– to always be right.

What was unpredictable, however, was Arnav's reply:

"No, Mr. Gupta. Only Khushi knows what's best for her. What you and I think was, is and will always be irrelevant. Go ahead and revoke the merger, or Vihaan's CEO position as you do best... but the fact is, Khushi no longer answers to you. And I will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Not only today and tomorrow, but every single day from now on."

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