Chapter 49: Thank-You

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Khushi had hoped, after a rather long and taxing day yesterday that included her brother's decision to move abroad leaving behind his inheritance and her best friend's outburst regarding her feelings for a certain someone, today would be better

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Khushi had hoped, after a rather long and taxing day yesterday that included her brother's decision to move abroad leaving behind his inheritance and her best friend's outburst regarding her feelings for a certain someone, today would be better.

But even as she entered the hospital –having gone to the penthouse for a quick shower and a change of clothes– and saw Ved standing icily at the nurse's station, reviewing what was probably his schedule for the day, she knew, today would be just as cumbersome as yesterday.

Taking a deep breath, she stopped in front of Ved. "Good morning," she murmured, hoping he had put their argument from last night behind him.

Ved simply continued checking his phone, completely ignoring her.

"Look," Khushi said in a low voice. "I'm sorry for how things ended yesterday, but like I told you, none of it was intentional–"

He abruptly tucked his phone away. Grabbing the files on the counter, he told her very formally, "I have to go on my morning rounds. I will be in Mr. Raizada's room in thirty minutes for his check-up."

And without waiting for a reply, he stalked away, leaving her all alone to deal with the confused and curious stares of the nurses. As a general rule, Ved never showed attitude, least of all to her.

"How did you manage to piss off Dr. Arora?" Sona –the receptionist– asked, staring at her with incredulity. "He's such a sweetheart!"

Of course they sided with him. Ved was popular with the nurses and generally, most of the female staff. Not wanting to argue, Khushi merely shrugged and collected her files, departing for her morning rounds as well.

She had arrived in Arnav's room for his scheduled check-up a few minutes before Ved.

"Good mor– wow," Arnav, propped up on a few pillows, typing away on his laptop, said. He was staring at her, stunned.

"Err- what?" she asked, feeling goosebumps at the back of her neck. His eyes were so... intense.


Khushi instinctively looked down, having totally forgotten that she was indeed wearing a saree, courtesy of the annual hospital awards to be held that very evening. Thank god she saw her calendar alert while getting ready that morning and opted for a linen saree in platinum tones –an heirloom from her mother– hoping she looked more put together than she felt.

"First you disappear at the crack of dawn," Arnav said, a soft smile on his lips. "And then you show up like this... what's going on Dr. Gupta? Anything you need to tell me?"

Her heart might as well have stopped.

"W-what do you mean?" Khushi asked nervously.

He laughed. "I'm just saying that you look lovely today... you should consider wearing sarees all the time you know, they really suit you."

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