Chapter 19: Walk

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Khushi entered her darkened apartment, grinning to herself

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Khushi entered her darkened apartment, grinning to herself. Just a mere week had passed since she resumed her internship and she was already assigned her first surgery. It was a good day, no, an excellent day.

Dropping her things on the sofa, she drifted to the kitchen looking for food when she heard Arnav's angry voice emanating from the den, his workspace at home. She froze, being reminded of the days when his temper blew off at the drop of a hat.

"No, I don't need your excuses Aman," he was saying. "You need to get me more info or you can find yourself a new job in the morning!"

Khushi hesitantly crept to the den, wondering if she should pretend to ignore his bad mood or take an active part. Although they had now started an odd friendship of sorts, she still did not know if she was a welcome guest in his personal matters.

Peeking through the open door, Khushi saw Arnav slam his phone on the mahogany desk and bury his head in his hands. Her heart sank in the slightest. Ever since their marriage, she had always viewed him as an immovable pillar, a man who knew what he wanted and how to get it. He had always seemed so sure of himself, so confident, so mature... but in that instance, he looked nothing more than a boy, struggling to find an anchor in a blazing tornado. It was watching him that Khushi suddenly realized that he wasn't that much older than her.

Clearing her throat, she said gently, "Everything okay?"

Arnav looked up, startled. "You are home? I thought... I thought you had a night shift today?"

"I did," she replied. "But Ved took my shift so that I can prepare for my surgery tomorrow."


"He is a friend at the hospital.... an intern actually."

Arnav nodded, not really paying attention to what she was saying.

"So, something went wrong at the company?" she asked again.

Arnav sighed, rubbing his eyes. It was almost midnight; he must be exhausted. "Just the usual."

"Tell me."

He paused, looking at her in slight disbelief. "Y-you want to know...?"

Khushi nodded. "Yes. Why do I always have to be the one to recount my day?"

"Well, no offense, but you aren't going to understand."

"Why don't we go for a walk?" she suggested, ignoring his comment. "And I will try my best to understand."

He had no choice. Slightly unsure, he stood up, collected his phone and followed her out of the apartment, down the elevators and into the cool night.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Have you ever taken a walk before?"

"Err yes."

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