Chapter 35: Lost

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"I swear Mitali, if we are going to have to spend the night here, I will personally kill you!"

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"I swear Mitali, if we are going to have to spend the night here, I will personally kill you!"

"Calm down Sam, the boys will eventually figure out that we are missing and come find us."

"Are you kidding me? The guys will pass out drunk before they even think about us, forget about coming and finding us!"

"Well, Bhagi can't sleep without wishing me good night, so he will come for sure."

"You have seriously lost it!"

Khushi groaned, mentally kicking herself for agreeing to come on this field trip. After Arnav's endeavour with omelettes, she was dragged into taking a walk around the farmhouse, which on one side was covered with a small forest. While it was Mitali's idea to begin with, Khushi had only agreed on the behest of Anjali and Lavanya, except neither of them actually came.

Anjali had to return to Delhi when Shyam received an urgent phone call from work and Lavanya decided to spend the evening with Akash, who apparently never had enough time for her. The cherry on top, of course, was the rest of the boys planning a game of football in the backyard, with Prachi, NK's girlfriend, assigned to keep score. Mitali had been close to tears at that point, forcing Khushi to grudgingly set out with the remaining Samriddhi, who also didn't have the heart to say no to her bestie.

After almost two hours of roaming, however, the three girls despairingly realized that they were completely lost. Being rural lands, there was no marked trail. Their phones too were out of reception range and so they had no choice, but to stop and wait, hoping the boys will show up eventually. While Mitali was optimistic about it, Khushi supported Sam on the matter – it would be midnight before any of the boys realized they were even missing, and who knew what roamed these woods at nightfall.

"Okay fine," Mitali said. "If not Bhagi, then Arnav will come for sure. He will definitely notice that Khushi is missing."

Sam was too disgruntled to answer.

So, Mitali turned to her. "Right Khushi?"

Khushi tried hard to agree, but she couldn't. "I don't know Mitu... I didn't tell Arnav where we were going."

"Great," Sam muttered.

"Oh come on," Mitali replied, rolling her eyes. "Stop being dramatic. If not Arnav, then Arjun or Dev will find us!"

"Well out of the three of them, I am placing my bet on Arnav Bhai."

"Why do you say that?" Khushi asked.

"As if you don't know Bhabhi," Sam said.

She didn't, well, at least not as much as them. "No, I am curious... why do you think Arnav will find us first?"

"Because he is the nicest one out of all of them!" Sam said, sitting down against a tree. "Dev is a goof ball, and everyone knows it. Arjun Bhai doesn't understand human emotions –like at all– and–"

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